Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

The future of the German automotive industry

structural change in the automotive industry : challenges and perspectives
Bonn, 2016

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Abu-Dayyeh, Ayoub

Empowering NGO's on nuclear power socioeconomic and environmental hazards versus renewables as energies of peace

Amman, 2016

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Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef

Sun, water, wind

development of the energy transition in Germany
Bonn, 2015

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Hochleitner, Anna

Wer zahlt die Zeche?

der Bau des Nicaraguakanals
Berlin, 2015

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Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef

Sól, água, vento

o desenvolvimento da transição energética na Alemanha
SãoPaulo, 2015

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Saxer, Marc

Mind the transformation trap

laying the political foundation for sustainable development
NewDelhi, 2015

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Zhang, ZhongXiang

China's role in climate change negotiations

perspectives for COP21
Berlin, 2015

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Renewable energy transitions in Jordan and the MENA region

Amman, 2015

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Ğaiyūsī, 'Auda Rašid al-

Renewable energy in the Arab world

transfer of knowledge and prospects for Arab cooperation
Amman, 2015

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Pioneers of change

21 good practices for sustainable low carbon development in developing countries
Berlin, 2015

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Dolata, Petra

The arctic

a diverse and evolving region
Berlin, 2015

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Dolata, Petra

Die Arktis

eine facettenreiche und sich wandelnde Region
Berlin, 2015

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Brüggemeier, Franz-Josef

Sonne, Wasser, Wind

die Entwicklung der Energiewende in Deutschland
Bonn, 2015

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Noack, Harald

Optionen für die Klimapolitik

die Zeitachse verlängern, ohne das Ziel aus den Augen zu verlieren
Berlin, 2015

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Nachhaltigkeit im Wettbewerb verankern

Expertise im Auftrag der Abteilung Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Bonn, 2015

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