Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

Dimitrisina, Reghina

Shaping the European energy solidarity

If not now, then when?
Brussels, 2022

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Dassonville, Clara; Siemen, Thies

Nuclear energy

The arguments for the debate
Brussels, 2022

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Wilts, Henning; Bröcker, Andre

Implementation of the circular economy in Europe

Status Quo and starting points
Brussels, 2022

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Ersoy, Sibel Raquel; Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia; Agouzoul, Hassan

Sustainable transformation of Marocco's energy system

Development of a phase model
Rabat, 2022

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Schmidt, Gabriele; Lelke, Frank

2T - Tarifvertrag Transformation

Sozialpartnerschaftliche und zukunftssichernde Transformation
Bonn, 2022

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Das Klima-Handbuch für Kommunen in Rheinland-Pfalz und dem Saarland

Den solidarisch-ökologischen Wandel erfolgreich gestalten
Mainz, 2022

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Neuhoff, Karsten

Gaspreis deckeln, Gas einsparen

Eine europäische Initiative zur Bewältigung der Energiekrise
Berlin&Brüssel, 2022

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Apton Phiri, Daniel

Towards the just city in Zambia

Issues paper
Lusaka, 2022

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Just city in Africa

The transformative value of urbanisation
Nairobi, 2022

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Nakuru's pathway to vision 2050

A just, livable and prosperous city
Nairobi, 2022

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Padawangi, Rita

Social-ecological transformation in cities in Asia

Cities as places for transformation ; Discussion paper
Hanoi, 2022

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Evergreen, Lilybell; Lorca Arce, Aida; Simić, Saška

Climate of change

Reshaping military emissions reporting
Wien, 2022

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Wasonga, George; Naliaka, Robai; Schulz, Bastian

The transformative value of just and sustainable urbanization in Sub-Saharan Africa

Nairobi, 2022

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Adongo Oranga, Beryl

Urban invisibles

Poverty and inequality in Africa's rapidly growing cities
Nairobi, 2022

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Felipe Aponte, Andrés; Ebus, Bram; Vargas Reina, Jennifer

Violent conflict and environmental degradation in Catatumbo

Bogotá, 2022

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