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Alle Publikationen zu Klimawandel, Energie und Umwelt

Mclymont-Lafayette, Indi; Wedderburn, Judith; Williams-Raynor, Petre

Climate change, gender & persons with disabilities in small island developing states

Kingston, 2015

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Schneidewindt, Holger; Sieverding, Udo

Intelligente Stromzähler (Smart Meter) - mehr Risiken als Nutzen für Verbraucherinnen und Verbraucher?

Bonn, 2015

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Gawel, Erik; Korte, Klaas

Das Grünbuch Strommarktdesign

Subventionen für konventionelle Kraftwerke ante portas?
Bonn, 2014

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Toni, Ana; Mello, Fátima

Von Warschau nach Lima

die UN-Klimakonferenz 2014 aus lateinamerikanischer Sicht
Berlin, 2014

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Schutte, Giorgio Romano

Energy and sustainable development in Brazil

recent developments and outlook
SãoPaulo, 2014

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Saxer, Marc

The economy of tomorrow

how to produce socially just, resilient, and green dynamic growth for a good society
Bangkok, 2014

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Adra, Friederike

Renewable energy

an eco-friendly alternative?
Accra, 2015

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Rüdinger, Andreas

Die Energiewende in Frankreich

Aufbruch zu einem neuen Energiemodell?
Bonn, 2014

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Ribeiro Pereira, Laura

What's peace got to do with it?

Advocating peace in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Berlin, 2014

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Sazonova, Lilija

Cultural aspects of sustainable development

glimpses of the ladies' market
Sofia, 2014

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Gianella, Cecilia; Canziani, Elisa

Exploring sustainable low carbon development pathways

overall situation of low carbon development strategies (LCDS) in Peru
Berlin, 2014

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Willershausen, Florian

Kein "Game-Changer" für Europas Energiesicherheit

Russlands Gas-Deal mit China und seine Folgen
Berlin, 2014

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Towards a global energy transformation

Bärbel Kofler and Nina Netzer (eds.) Christiane Beuermann .... - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2014. - 65 S. = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Study
Berlin, 2014

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Rahman, Mustafizur; Khan, Towfiqul Islam; Amin, Muhammad Al

The economy of tomorrow - how to produce socially just, sustainable and green dynamic growth for a good society

case study of Bangladesh
Dhaka, 2014

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A caring and sustainable economy

a concept note from a feminist perspective
Berlin, 2014

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