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Geopolitical shifts and global crises: What implications for the Middel East?

Beirut, 2023

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Baumann, Max-Otto; Haug, Sebastian; Weinlich, Silke

China in der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit der UN

Das selektive Engagement einer Großmacht mit Entwicklungslandstatus
Bonn, 2023

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Kaukab, Rashid S.; Merkulova, Darina

Circular economy and trade agreements

Towards developing a framework for linkages
Bonn, 2023

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Dynamics and structure of Georgia's trade with the Russian Federation

Before and after the full-scale Russian invasion in Ukraine
Tbilisi, 2023

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Conflict resolution in the Mediterranean: Energy as a potential game-changer

Nikosia, 2023

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Aw Ndiaye, Eugénie Rokhaya; Sidibe, Mame Lika

Security for all

Promoting democratic governance and inclusive security through CSO involvement in Mali, Nigeria, Cameroon and the wider ECOWAS region
Dakar-Fann, 2023

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Martiné, Sophie

Kernkraft in Frankreich

Entwicklung und aktuelle Debatte
Paris, 2023

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Al-Abdeh, Malik; Hauch, Lars

Early recovery assistance in Syria

Balancing political and humanitarian goals
Beirut, 2023

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Schneider, Marcus; Gürsel, Dilek; Starke, Clemens

Multipolarity and the Middle East: Exploring regional attitudes towards the Russia-Ukraine war

Short analysis
Nicosia, 2023

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Luke, David; MacLeod, Jamie

A new trade deal for Africa, please!

Bonn, 2023

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Powers, Colin

A "Wall street consensus" for MENA?

The prospects of the "Maximising Finance for Development" agenda
LaMarsa, 2023

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Awad, Ahmad M.; Sting, Anna

What good did the free liquidity do Jordan?

LaMarsa, 2023

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Ismail, Yasmin; Bhagat, Varun

Make a difference!

Differential treatment of developing countries in trade and climate change regimes
Bonn, 2023

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Sajous, Leslie

Be more holistic!

Why the WTO and UNFCCC should work together more closely in the area of financing
Bonn, 2023

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Conflicting remembrance

The memory of the Macedonian 2001 in context
Skopje, 2023

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