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Urban spaces - green spaces - inclusive spaces

A regional review on the social-ecological transformation of cities in Asia
Hanoi, 2022

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Hashem, Mustafa; Yassin, Lina; Al Leil, Ahmad Saba

Negotiations of Arab States under UNFCCC

Interlinkages and recommendations
Amman, 2022

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Dienes, Alexandra; Katsioulis, Christos


Russlands Krieg als Wendepunkt in der öffentlichen Meinung Deutschlands
Wien, 2022

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Borck, Tobias

Into the Gulf

The strategic implications of Germanyʿs new energy relationship with the Gulf monarchies
Beirut, 2022

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Ersoy, Sibel Raquel; Terrapon-Pfaff, Julia; Brik, Imad

Sustainable transformation of Palestine's energy system

Development of a phase model
Jerusalem, 2022

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Broembsen, Marlese von

Supply chain governance

Arguments for worker-driven enforcement
Bonn, 2022

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Manuel, Marcus

Financing social protection

Domestic and external options in low-income countries
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Dienes, Alexandra; Katsioulis, Christos


Russia's war as a turning point in German public opinion
Wien, 2022

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Dommen, Caroline

Human rights economics

An enquiry
Bonn/Geneva, 2022

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Vogler, Anselm; Webeler, Martin

Climate security and Europe

What are the direct and indirect consequences of climate change?
Vienna, 2022

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Meier, Oliver; Staack, Michael

Chinas Rolle in der multilateralen Rüstungskontrolle

Bonn, 2022

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Iran's Presidential Elections [1400] 2021

Contributions of the FES blog : June 2021 = Irans Präsidentschaftswahlen
Beirut, 2022

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Goldammer, Gesine

Klimapolitik in Europa & der Lausitz gendergerecht gestalten

Zusammenfassung, 16.05.2022, WEB-Talk der FES-Brandenburg
Potsdam, 2022

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Herbert, Matt; Badi, Emadeddin

Blessing and curse

Petroleum profits, control and fragility in Libya
LaMarsa, 2022

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Training manual for the promotion and protection of the human rights of domestic workers in Cameroon

Yaounde, 2022

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