Alle Publikationen zu Weltwirtschaft und Unternehmensverantwortung

The transformation of work

Berlin, 2021

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Kappel, Robert

Redefining Europe-Africa relations

Berlin, 2021

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Kappel, Robert

Redefining Europe-Africa relations

Berlin, 2021

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Rojansky, Matthew

Deutschland, die USA und Nord Stream 2

WashingtonDC, 2021

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Rojansky, Matthew

Deutschland, die USA und Nord Stream 2

WashingtonDC, 2021

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Rojansky, Matthew

Deutschland, die USA und Nord Stream 2

WashingtonDC, 2021

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Saage-Maaß, Miriam; Korn, Franziska

Vom ACCORD lernen?

Erfahrungen aus Bangladesch für die deutsche Debatte
Berlin, 2021

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Kaiser, Jürgen

Entschuldung von Staaten als globale Machtfrage

Eine politökonomische Analyse
Berlin, 2021

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Malkoutzis, Nick; Mouzakis, Yiannis; Bensasson, Marcus

The recovery plan in Greece

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Athens, 2021

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Malkoutzis, Nick; Mouzakis, Yiannis; Bensasson, Marcus

The recovery plan in Greece

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Athens, 2021

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Malkoutzis, Nick; Mouzakis, Yiannis; Bensasson, Marcus

The recovery plan in Greece

Setting the course for a climate-neutral and digital future?
Athens, 2021

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Lamond, James; Bergmann, Max

A new transatlantic Russia policy

Can the U.S. and Europe work together?
WashingtonDC, 2021

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Lamond, James; Bergmann, Max

A new transatlantic Russia policy

Can the U.S. and Europe work together?
WashingtonDC, 2021

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Lamond, James; Bergmann, Max

A new transatlantic Russia policy

Can the U.S. and Europe work together?
WashingtonDC, 2021

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Sorbello, Paolo

Kazakhstanʿs oil-dependent economy caught between two crises

Almaty, 2021

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