Alle Publikationen zu Weltwirtschaft und Unternehmensverantwortung

Khan, Farahnaz

Implementation of the 18th constitutional amendment

Position paper on "Devolution of Tourism in Pakistan"
Islamabad, 2018

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Fair Play im Welthandel

Für eine sozialdemokratische Neuausrichtung der Handelspolitik
Berlin, 2018

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Pitidol, Thorn

Changing Thailand's future with tax reform

Bangkok, 2018

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Pitidol, Thorn

Changing Thailand's future with tax reform

Bangkok, 2018

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Pitidol, Thorn

Changing Thailand's future with tax reform

Bangkok, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Deutschlands europapolitische Reformoptionen

Instrumente für eine progressive EU-Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik
Berlin, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Deutschlands europapolitische Reformoptionen

Instrumente für eine progressive EU-Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik
Berlin, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Deutschlands europapolitische Reformoptionen

Instrumente für eine progressive EU-Wirtschafts- und Sozialpolitik
Berlin, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Germany's options for European policy reform

Instruments for progressive EU economic and social policy
Berlin, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Germany's options for European policy reform

Instruments for progressive EU economic and social policy
Berlin, 2018

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Hacker, Björn

Germany's options for European policy reform

Instruments for progressive EU economic and social policy
Berlin, 2018

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Tipping the balance

Collective action by finance workers creates "Regulation from below"
Berlin, 2018

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Stanley, Marcus

Reforming bank governance

"Top-Down" reform and bank resistance
Berlin, 2018

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Uvalić, Milica; Cvijanović, Vladimir

Towards a sustainable economic growth and development in the Western Balkans

Zagreb, 2018

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Uvalić, Milica; Cvijanović, Vladimir

Towards a sustainable economic growth and development in the Western Balkans

Zagreb, 2018

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