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Alle Publikationen zu Weltwirtschaft und Unternehmensverantwortung

Frenkel, Roberto

The international financial architecture issues in Argentina

, 2000

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Buck, Matthias; Helm, Carsten

Zehn Jahre Basler Übereinkommen

internationaler Handel mit gefährlichen Abfällen ; Gutachten im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung
Bonn, 1999

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Buck, Matthias; Helm, Carsten

Zehn Jahre Basler Übereinkommen

internationaler Handel mit gefährlichen Abfällen ; Gutachten im Auftrag der Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung ; Zusammenfassung und Handlungsempfehlungen
Bonn, 1999

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Chambers of commerce and industry as small business service providers

opportunities and challenges ; papers presented to the workshop of the SEPAC Working Group "Entrepreneurship Development and Training", Windhoek, 2-3 October 1998
Bonn, 1999

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Galindo, Luis Miguel

The reorganisation of the international financial system

the Mexican perspective
, 1999

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Marais, Hein

South African debates on a new global financial architecture

, 1999

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Zang, Hyoungsoo

Proposals for the reform of the international financial architecture

Korea's perspectives
, 1999

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Braga, José Carlos de Souza; Cintra, Marcos Antonio Macedo

Brazil's participation in the reorganization of international finances

, 1999

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Die Auswirkungen der Wirtschaftskrise in Asien auf die Sexindustrie

Fachtagung, 23-November 1998
Bonn, 2000

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A great game no more

oil, gas and stability in the Caspian Sea region ; annex: Region of the future: the Caspian Sea, German interests and European politics in the Trans-Caucasian and Central Asian Republics
Washington,, 2000

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Alexander, Nancy C.

Finance for development

a dialogue with the Bretton Woods institutions
NewYork, 2000

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Hobeika, Louis G.

The role of government in creating an enabling environment for industrial innovation in Lebanon

[paper presented at the Second Conference on Industrial Research & Development at the Unesco Palace on November 13, 1998]
Bonn, 2004

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Bach, Stefan

Steuerpolitik in Europa zwischen Wettbewerb und Harmonisierung

Perspektiven nationaler und europäischer Steuerpolitik in der Europäischen Wirtschafts- und Währungsunion
Bonn, 2001

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Privatisation: the way forward

commercialisation, privatisation techniques and financing options ; 23 - 24 November 1999, Harare Sheraton Hotel
Bonn, 2001

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Towards the new millennium

budget and advocacy ; 27 November 1999, Holiday Inn, Harare
Bonn, 2001

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