Internationale Gewerkschaftspolitik: Publikationen

Lateinamerika und Karibik

García Dueñas, Gilberto; Molina Montalvo, Karla

Trade unions in transformation

Building power in global networks: the International Union League in Central America
Berlin, 2017

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Padrón, Álvaro; Wachendorfer, Achim

Trade unions in transformation

Uruguay: building trade union power
Berlin, 2017

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Feller, Dina; Conrow, Teresa

Trade unions in transformation

The power of aviation unions in South America: the ITF LATAM union network
Berlin, 2017

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Godinho Delgado, Didice

Trade unions in transformation

Building trade union power with gender equality: the case of the Unified Workers' Central of Brazil
Berlin, 2017

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Krein, José Dari; Dias, Hugo

Trade unions in transformation

The CUT's experience during the Workers' Party's (PT) governments in Brazil (2003-2016)
Berlin, 2017

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Água no estado de São Paulo: é direito, não mercadoria!

Contribuições para o debate com sindicatos e sociedade
SãoPaulo, 2018

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Agenda común de juventud sindical

una propuesta para la inclusión, la justicia y la participación
SanJosé, 2017

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El rol de la juventud sindical en la construcción de democracia

Coordinación: Edlena Pérez, Secretaria Nacional de la Juventud Confederación Ncional de Unidad Sindical (CNUS). - Santo Domingo : Fundación Friedrich Ebert, Septiembre 2016. - 4 Seiten = 16 MB, PDF-File. - (Apúntes
SantoDomingo, 2018

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Guía de acción sindical en la economía informal aplicando normas internacionales de trabajo

Lima, 2018

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Manual didáctico de aplicación reforma laboral para dirigentes sindicales

SantiagodeChile, 2018

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Mirko Herberg

+49 (0)30 26935-7458

Matthias Weber

+49 (0)30 26935-7744

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