Publikationen zu Gewerkschaften und gute Arbeit


Fontes, Ana Catarina

On the Corona Frontline

The experiences of care workers in Portugal
Stockholm, 2021

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Sindicatos em transformação 4.0

Histórias de sindicatos enfrentando o novo mundo do trabalho
Berlin, 2021

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Bäcklund-Kajanmaa, Sari

Koronan etulinjassa

Hoivahenkilöstön kokemuksia Suomessa
Stockholm, 2021

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Bredal, Charlotte; Manniche, Kaspar; Dam-Hansen, Amalie

On the Corona Frontline

The experiences of care workers in Denmark
Stockholm, 2021

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Theobald, Hildegard

On the Corona Frontline

The experiences of care workers in Germany
Stockholm, 2021

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Köhler, Holm-Detlev

Trade unions in Spain

Structural conditions and current challenges
Madrid, 2021

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Martínez Villalba, Yulieth; Navarro Muñoz, María José

La violencia antisindical contra las mujeres en Colombia, 2016-Mayo de 2020

Bogotá, 2021

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Watson, Dave

An der Corona-Front

Die Erfahrungen der Altenpflegekräfte in Schottland
Stockholm, 2021

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Gewerkschaften im Wandel 4.0

Wie sich Gewerkschaften weltweit der neuen Welt der Arbeit stellen
Berlin, 2021

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Trade unions in transformation 4.0

Stories of unions confronting the new world of work
Berlin, 2021

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