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Publikationen zu Gewerkschaften und gute Arbeit


Meret, Susi; Beyer Gregersen, Andreas

Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Country study Denmark
Bonn, 2023

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Bose, Sophie

Gewerkschaften und Rechtspopulismus in Europa

Länderstudie Deutschland
Bonn, 2023

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Bose, Sophie

Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Country study Germany
Bonn, 2023

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Hillebrand, Ernst

Der Übergang zur E-Mobilität in MOE

Auswirkungen auf den Automobilsektor Mittelosteuropas
Budapest, 2023

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Schindler, Saskja; Schubert, Livia

Gewerkschaften und Rechtspopulismus in Europa

Länderstudie Österreich
Bonn, 2023

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Schindler, Saskja; Schubert, Livia

Trade unions and right-wing populism in Europe

Country study Austria
Bonn, 2023

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Godinho Delgado, Didice

Trade union centres: Regional report

Women and the agenda of gender justice in the Latin American and Caribbean trade union movement
Montevideo, 2024

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Working out challenging situations - labour relations at essential and emergency services

Held on November 17, 2022 at Academic College Ramat Gan
Herzliya;FES,2023, 2023

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Working out challenging situations - labour relations at essential and emergency services

[Held on November 17, 2022 at Academic College Ramat Gan]
Herzliya;FES,2023., 2023-Hebrewscript

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Textile-cloting-leather industry

Antananarivo, 2022

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