Publikationen zu Gewerkschaften und gute Arbeit


Umushevrobis dazghveva evropʿashi da sakartvelos pʿerspʿektʿiva [Unemployment insurance in Europe and Georgian prospective]

Tbilisi, 2019

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Togola, Cheick Oumar

Après CREDD 2016-2018

Quelles perspectives sociales?
Bamako, 2019

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Surdykowska, Barbara; Owczarek, Dominik

Posted workers regulations as a cohesion test in the enlarged European Union

Divergent interests of trade unions, employers' organisations and governments
Bratislava, 2019

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Mahfoudh-Draoui, Dorra

Tunisian women at work and in the labour movement

Tunis, 2019

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Mahfoudh-Draoui, Dorra

Les femmes tunisiennes dans le travail et le mouvement syndical

Tunis, 2019

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Mahfoudh-Draoui, Dorra

[Tunisian women at work and in the labour movement]

Tunis, 2019

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Etude d'Impact de la coopération tripartite entre FES, FGME et IGM

Pour une solidarité syndicale : 2013-2018
Tunis, 2019

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Synthèse de l'Etude d'Impact de la coopération tripartite entre FES, FGME et IGM

Pour une solidarité syndicale : 2013-2018
Tunis, 2019

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Schillinger, Hubert René

El "lejano oeste" digital y la política comercial

Controversias de política comercial en torno a la economía digital
Montevideo, 2019

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Mzid, Nouri

[Guideline on procedures and writing reports of international labour standards]

Tunis, 2019

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