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Balaro, Grégoire; Dossou, Siméon T.; Amoussou, Anselme Coovi

Etude sur le paysage syndical au Benin

Cotonou, 2015

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European Union GSP Plus and challenges of labour standards compliance in Pakistan

a report
Islamabad, 2015

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[European Union GSP Plus and challenges of labour standards compliance in Pakistan <Urdu>]

[A report
Islamabad, 2017

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Molitor, Carmen

A kizsákmányolás üzleti modellje

amikor németországban elcsalják az európai munkavállalók jogait : (rövidített változat)
Budapest, 2015

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Schweisshelm, Erwin

Trade union pluralism through free trade?

Vietnam's trade agreements with the EU and the US
Berlin, 2015

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Fichter, Michael

Sindicalización dentro y a lo largo de las cadenas de valor

Berlin, 2016

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Schulze Buschoff, Karin

Atypische Beschäftigung als Herausforderung für die Alterssicherung und die gewerkschaftliche Interessenvertretung

ein europäischer Vergleich
Berlin, 2015

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Costa, Hélio da

Ação sindical frente às empresas transnacionais

entre o pessimismo da razão e o otimismo da vontade
SãoPaulo, 2015

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Mello e Silva, Leonardo; Framil Filho, Ricardo; Freston, Raphael

Redes sindicais em empresas transnacionais

enfrentando a globalização do ponto de vista dos trabalhadores
SãoPaulo, 2015

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Fichter, Michael

Organizando dentro e ao longo de cadeias de valor

o que isso significa para os sindicatos?
SãoPaulo, 2015

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