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Trade Unions in Transformation 4.0: Organising YouTube - Building Workers' Power in Big Tech

Veranstaltungsnummer: 249751als .ics herunterladen

A sea change in power relations in the labor market has been taking place over the past few years. Capital has made use of new technologies to reorganise the production process and, often, labor relations. The industrial and service sectors are undergoing a far-reaching technological transformation or even disruption. In its wake, ultra-flexible, precarious work models are being pushed by old and new employers like digital platforms.

"Trade Unions in Transformation 4.0" focuses on the agency of organised labour. The project, consisting primarily of 12 case studies, aims to understand how trade unions and new organisations of workers build power to confront and shape the emerging new world of work.

We invite you to participate in the launching session. Discussing how content creators of YouTube have started to organise, we will explore what leverage can be applied to bring a global Big Tech company to the bargaining table and how new workers' organisations and established trade unions cooperate.

The event will be translated simultaneously in Spanish/English/German/French.

- Mirko Herberg and Uta Dirksen, FES

- Valentin Niebler, Co-author of "Organising YouTube. A novel case of platform worker organising"
- Jörg Sprave, Founder, YouTubers Union
- Johannes Studinger, Head, UNI Global Union - Media, Arts, Entertainment (MEI)

Moderator: Thomas Greven, FES

We look forward to welcoming you!


Donnerstag, 08.10.20
16:00-18:00 Uhr






Julia Schultz

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