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Egypt calling! After disappointments, empty promises and limited results, the Conference of Parties (COP) on Climate Change is finally back on African soil. An excellent occasion to join forces, to organize and to prepare in order to find common grounds for the key political challenge of the 21st Century. Let’s make COP27 a success for Africa. Join us on September 1st 2022!
Years of carrying the burden for a problem that Africa hasn’t created. Countless promises with minimum results. Now that the COP27 will be held on the African ground. It is time to join forces, to organize, to prepare. Stay part of the conversation at the AfriCOP27. The upcoming Conference of Parties, COP, in Sharm El Sheikh, Egypt is the next occasion to find common ground for the key political issue of the 21st Century on climate. On September 1st, 2022, FES Madagascar is organizing the AfriCOP27, a continental conference focusing on Africa’s perspective ahead of the upcoming COP. This conference allows African specialists on climate change to unite, discuss and recommend measures that strenghten solidarity between African Nations ahead of what we assume will be challenging negotiations with international partners in Egypt. We aim at making COP27 a real African COP, a COP that will be remembered as the world’s conference that opened the next chapter in international relations.
Livestream will be available on FES Madagascar's Facebook page, Youtube or LinkedIn. For more information please register:
Mr. Constantin Grund, Resident Representative of FES Madagascar
With the adoption of the Paris agreement, the developed world promised to provide $100 billion to help the poorer and more vulnerable countries to face the consequences of climate change. It is still just a promise. Not enough funds have been mobilized and the existing climate funds are difficult to access. With the urgency of the fight against climate change, Africa demands that the rich countries turn their words into action and meet their climate finance commitments. Climate finance will be a central theme of negotiations at the COP27.
Ms. Anna Mbise – Moderator, Project Officer at Friedrich Ebert Stiftung TanzaniaDr. Kamal Djemouai, Independant climate change consultantMs. Chinma George, Environnemental and Climate Change expertProf. Anthony Amoah, Associate Professor and Ag. Dean of the School of Sustainable Development at University of Environment and Sustainable Development
Despite the adaptation efforts made in Africa, the gap between what should be done and what has been done remains. Inadequate funding for adaptation is witnessed. Africa will need significant amounts of financing to adapt to the impact of climate change and extreme weather patterns, but most of the existing climate finance is going to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions and, therefore, to the more polluting middle income countries, as opposed to the poorest and most vulnerable nations. A more adequate pattern for adaptation is needed to answer the needs of the African continent.
Ms. Eunice Asiedu – Moderator, Program Coordinator at FES GhanaMr. Wondwossen Sintayehu, Academic and practicing lawyer in Climate ChangeDr. Rodrigue Feumba, Climate change expert and researcher at the University of YaoundéDr. David Lesolle, Climatologist and Independant Consultant
With the consecration of the dialogue on loss and damage with the Glasgow agreement at COP 26, what are the implications for Africa and what are its interests in this discussion? As the material and human damages are already visible on the continent, a commitment on loss and damage would be an important support for the vulnerable and most threatened countries.
Mr. Chidiebere Ugwu – Moderator, Project Manager at FES NigeriaDr. Sumaya Ahmed Zakieldeen, University Professor, Institute of Environmental Studies, University of KhartoumMr. Kipkorir Koskei, Director of Strategic Partnerships and Policy at International Development ForumDr. Edmond Totin, Lecturer at Université Nationale d’Agriculture du Bénin
Ms. Dina Kisbi, Project Manager at FES Jordan
Indigene Völker im Spannungsfeld zwischen Monokulturen, Kohlenstoffbindung und Paraguays Zusicherungen im Kampf gegen Entwaldung
Für die kleinen Inselstaaten ist die Unterstützung bei klimabedingten Schäden und Verlusten letztlich das, was zumindest aus diplomatischer Sicht der…
Wie Gespräche auf der COP27 Betroffenen der Klimakrise helfen können. Von Flavia Lopes und Nushaiba Iqbal.
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