Referat Osteuropa


Muharremi, Robert

Vote of no-confidence and the formation of a new government in Kosovo-Challenges and way out for a functional parliamentary democracy

Prishtina, 2020

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Muharremi, Robert

Votimi i mocionit të mosbesimit dhe formimi i qeverisë së re në Kosovë-sfidat dhe rruga përpara për një demokraci parlamentare funksionale

Prishtina, 2020

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Sichinava, David; Atchaidze, Makhare

Minimum wage in Georgia

Gauging public opinion
Tbilisi, 2020

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Sichinava, David; Atchaidze, Makhare

[Minimum wage in Georgia]

[Gauging public opinion]
Tbilisi, 2020

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Schäfer, Michael

[Power center and order factor]

[Function, structure and functioning of parliamentary groups on the example of the German Bundestag]
Tbilisi, 2020

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Šantić, Danica

Leaving Serbia

Aspirations, intentions and drivers of youth migration
Belgrade, 2020

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Gavrić, Saša

Rodna analiza

Alatke i metode za urodnjavanje politika, programa i projekata
Sarajevo, 2020

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Democracy and the state of emergency

Political battles emerging out of the Corona crisis in the Western Balkans, Croatia and Slovenia ; Report two
Belgrade, 2020

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Matchavariani, Merab; Sokhadze, Natalia

[Development of Communal Forest Management in Georgia]

Tbilisi, 2020

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Dakovič, Petrica

Ekonomske mere za ublažavanje posledica pandemije

Lice i naličje finansijskog paketa države vrednog 5,1 milijardu evra
, 2020

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Referat Osteuropa


Kristin Linke und Dr. Helene Kortländer


Franziska Hilbert

Hiroshimastraße 28
D- 10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30/269 35-7736

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  • Ostmitteleuropa
  • Südosteuropa
  • Osteuropa
  • Zentralasien
  • Süd-Kaukasus

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