Referat Osteuropa


Vučković, Vladimir; Vukanović, Miloš; Popović, Mira

Good neighbour

Montenegro and regional cooperation
Belgrade, 2021

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Vučković, Vladimir; Vukanović, Miloš; Popović, Mira

Dobar susjed

Crna gora i regionalna saradnja
Belgrade, 2021

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Balkanization instead of europeanization

Fight against corruption in Montenegro
Belgrade, 2021

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Zogjani, Valëza

Raport mbi performancën e komunave në fushën e komunikimit me qytetar/e

Prishtina, 2021

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Zogjani, Valëza

Report on the performance of municipalities in the area of communication with citizens

Prishtina, 2021

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Efekat pandemije Covid-19 na Kosovu

Rezultat opštinskih budžeta
Prishtina, 2021

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The effect of Covid-19 pandemic in Kosovo

Outlook of municipal budgets
Prishtina, 2021

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Efekti pandemisë COVID-19 në Kosovë

Rezultati i buxheteve komunale
Prishtina, 2021

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Role and impact of small states in promoting peace and security in Eastern Europe

The case of Belarus
Kyiv, 2021

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Rol' i vlijanie malych stran v obespečenii mira i bezopasnosti v Vostočnoj Evrope

Primer Belarusi
Kyiv, 2021

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Referat Osteuropa


Kristin Linke und Dr. Helene Kortländer


Franziska Hilbert

Hiroshimastraße 28
D- 10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30/269 35-7736

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  • Ostmitteleuropa
  • Südosteuropa
  • Osteuropa
  • Zentralasien
  • Süd-Kaukasus

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