Referat Osteuropa


Sariohlo, Volodymyr; Ohaj, Maryna; Burenko, Tamara

Ocinka efektyvnosti deržavnoï prohramy "Tepli kredyty"

Kyiv, 2020

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Dyrmishi, Arjan

Albanian security barometer - National survey 2019

Tirana, 2020

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Dyrmishi, Arjan

Barometri i sigurisë Shqipëri - Anketë kombëtare 2019

Tirana, 2020

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Property valuation of environmental crimes in Albania

case study: illegal logging in the Mali me Gropa Biza-Martanesh National Park
Tirana, 2020

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Vlerësimi pasuror i krimeve mjedisore në Shqipëri

rasti studimor: Prerja e paligjshme në Parkun Kombëtar Mali me Gropa Bizë-Martanesh
Tirana, 2020

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Khachatryan, Serob

[Effective teaching tips]

Tbilisi, 2020

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Tonchev, Plamen

China's soft power in Southeast Europe

Sarajevo, 2020

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Jusić, Mirna

The social dimension of enlargement policy

Social rights as a priority of enlargement, access to quality education. access to quality jobs, robust social protection and healthcare systems, EU-WB dialogue with a stronger social dimension
Sarajevo, 2020

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Sfidat e zhvillimit ekonomik në shqipëri

Forumi - Modeli Ekonomik & Sfidat
Tirana, 2020

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Henkel, Felix; Jusić, Mirna

Social rights are fundamental

Expanding the social dimension of enlargement
Sarajevo, 2020

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Referat Osteuropa


Kristin Linke und Dr. Helene Kortländer


Franziska Hilbert

Hiroshimastraße 28
D- 10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30/269 35-7736

Das Referat Mittel- und Osteuropa arbeitet zu und in folgenden Regionen:

  • Ostmitteleuropa
  • Südosteuropa
  • Osteuropa
  • Zentralasien
  • Süd-Kaukasus

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