Referat Osteuropa


Ostrovskaja, Julija; Mirjasova, Ol'ga

Problema charassmenta v vysšej škole

Predposylki dlja profsojuznoj raboty po prodviženiju ratifikacii konvencii MOT No 190
Moskau, 2020

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Evrazijskaja set' regional'nych iniciativ i organizacij

Elementy vzaimosvjazannosti
Kyiv, 2020

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Arandarenko, Mihail

Politička ekonomija izlaska i lojalnosti

Uticaj emigracije i doznaka na socioekonomski razvoj Srbije
Belgrade, 2020

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[Handbook on public awareness]

Tbilisi, 2020

Publikation herunterladen (830 KB, PDF-File)

[Judicial practice of the European Union and Georgian labour law : Part two]

Tbilisi, 2020

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The future of a just transition in Ukraine: Perceptions in coal mining towns

A report on the results of a survey of coal mining town residents in the Donetsk region
Kyiv, 2020

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Luma, Bujar

Europe is in the air

A factual fiction essay on the Berlin Process and the power of Franco-German relations
Skopje, 2020

Publikation herunterladen (200 KB, PDF-File)

Gashi, Shpetim; Novaković, Igor

Brussels agreements between Kosovo and Serbia

A quantitative implementation assessment
Belgrade, 2020

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Lučka, Dejan

Human rights in Bosnia and Herzegovina 25 years after "Dayton"

(The reemdy for the bloody conflict as today's ground for human rights)
Sarajevo, 2020

Publikation herunterladen (4,6 MB, PDF-File)

Lučka, Dejan

Ljudska prava u Bosni i Hercegovini 25 godina nakon "Dejtona"

(Lijek za krvavi sukob kao današnji temelj ljudskih prava)
Sarajevo, 2020

Publikation herunterladen (10 MB, PDF-File)

Referat Osteuropa


Kristin Linke und Dr. Helene Kortländer


Franziska Hilbert

Hiroshimastraße 28
D- 10785 Berlin

+49 (0)30/269 35-7736

Das Referat Mittel- und Osteuropa arbeitet zu und in folgenden Regionen:

  • Ostmitteleuropa
  • Südosteuropa
  • Osteuropa
  • Zentralasien
  • Süd-Kaukasus

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