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Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

FES Publications on Peace and Security

Harnisch, Sebastian

Deutsche Zivilmacht in der Zeitenwende

Zu wenig Macht, zu wenig Zivilcourage
Wien, 2023

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Dhimolea, Antonela

The sound reasons for Kosovo's ambition to extend its representation in regional organisations

Tirana, 2023

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Shelest, Hanna; Gaber, Yevgeniya

Is Ukraine ready for a feminist foreign policy?

Kyiv, 2023

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Minor, Elizabeth

Laws for laws

Towards a treaty to regulate lethal autonomous weapons
Bonn, 2023

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Rudolf, Moritz

Chinas globale Gesundheitsdiplomatie

Betrachtung der weitreichenden Bemühungen Pekings vor und nach Auftreten der COVID-19-Pandemie
Bonn, 2023

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Weiß, Simon; Katsioulis, Christos; Dienes, Alexandra

Angst vor der Bombe

Eine Umfrage in Deutschland, Frankreich, Lettland und Polen
Wien, 2023

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Association of Municipalities in the Republic of Kosovo in which the Kosovo Serb Community is in Majority

Prishtina, 2023

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Larsen, Henrik

Which kind of realism should drive Western support for Ukraine?

Brussels, 2023

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Mazarr, Michael J.; Fiott, Daniel

Solid foundation, rocky future?

Assessing transatlantic defence and security ties after NATO's Madrid summit
Brussels, 2023

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Kimmage, Michael; Paikin, Zachary

Can we ever build a common European home?

The perils and promise of an old idea
Brussels, 2023

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  • Ann L. Phillips, Frieden und Sicherheit | Publikation

    Think Piece 21: Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty

    The final report, distills the findings of a two-year effort by more than 20 international experts to find answers on how to overcome rising…

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  • Jaïr van der Lijn, Publikation

    Think Piece 20: The future of the monopoly on the legitimate use of force - Four alternative global futures

    Think Piece No. 20: The future of the monopoly on the legitimate use of force - Four alternative global futures

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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