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Schedule regular times to monitor and evaluate your progress as your work changes. Often things work out better or worse than expected and adjustments need to be made.
Decide who should be present during your evaluation meetings and how often they will be held. An evaluation group can be large or small and might include rank-and-file workers, workplace delegates and activists, community allies and union leaders.
If you decide on a small evaluation group, think about how you will get input from different parts of the union prior to your meetings. You might want to utilise one-to-one interviews, small group discussions, or surveys.
You may want to evaluate specific events or meetings. This can be done in writing or verbally at the end of an event. Below are three questions that you might use.
Who should attend evaluation meetings and how often should they be held?
Will you need to gather input from other parts of the union in the form of interviews, small group discussions or surveys?
Do you want to create a written form for participants to evaluate specific events or meetings?