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If we are to successfully master the challenges of the present and the future, we need a strong Europe. Only a strong Europe can stand firm in the world and set standards – in researching and applying innovative technologies and for values of peaceful and democratic coexistence.
This can only succeed with strong science which forms the basis for technological and social progress. For Europe to benefit from it, science must be interconnected, strong in all regions of the continent in East and West, North and South, in the EU and with the European neighbourhood, it needs exchange and support through powerful institutions.
Our public conference aims to illustrate the enormous importance of interconnected European science for the foundation and future of social coexistence on the basis of concrete topics, such as health and environmental protection. On the other hand, we also want to discuss current challenges, such as exchange and mobility or the development of the European Research and Higher Education Area.
The conference will be opened by Martin Schulz, Chairman of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation and former President of the European Parliament. Professor Manuel Heitor, Minister of Science, Technology and Higher Education of the Portuguese Republic, will highlight the importance of Europe-wide networked science from the perspective of the Portuguese EU Council Presidency in a subsequent speech.
The conference will be simultaneously translated into German and English for all participants and will take place as a Zoom conference.
We will send you the access data after registration for the individual parts of the programme on June 21. For more information on registration, please see the individual programme sections below.
Bildung und Wissenschaft Florian DähneFlorian.Daehne(at)fes.de
Lena BülowLena.Buelow(at)fes.de
Team & Kontakt
Die Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung lädt Bildungsexpert_innen aus Wissenschaft, Politik, Verwaltung, Bildungspraxis und Zivilgesellschaft ein.