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Veranstaltungsnummer: 270691 – als .ics herunterladen
Do you also sometimes wonder, why we find it so hard to debate constructively about common issues in our society, any why we often choose to distrust rather than search for mutual understanding? These are some of the questions that we are asking ourselves in the Erasmus+ project Debate not Argue and that we are going to address with our conference. During the time we’ll spend together, you will experience various interactive workshops, have the chance to improve your ability to communicate in a constructive and non-violent way, learn about good practice and current trends in media education, find new ideas and inspiration for your work, network with other people and share your own ideas. Is this something you find enriching and inspiring? Then join us! If you are a teacher, educator, social/youth worker, journalist, academic, or simply someone what works with people and is interested and motivated to learn, this is the event for you. The language of the conference will be English.The detailed programme of the conference and the workshops is available below and at (external link): Debate not Argue: How to make it happen?Please choose one workshop per session in the registration formFor any question please contact: Marie Svobodova or Andrea Bodnarova
Freitag, 17.11.23 bis Samstag, 18.11.2315:00 (erster Tag) bis 18:00 (letzter Tag)
Teilnahmepauschale keine
Königsbrücker Str. 8401099 Dresden
Jenny Sprenger-Seyffarth Sachsen@fes.de
Friedrich-Ebert-StiftungLandesbüro SachsenBurgstraße 2504109 LeipzigTel. 0341-9602160 und -9602431, Fax 9605091E-Mail: sachsen@fes.deFriedrich-Ebert-StiftungBüro DresdenObergraben 17 A01097 DresdenTel. 0351-80468-03 und -04, Fax 0351-80468-05E-Mail: sachsen@fes.de