Conclusion and Way ahead: Targeted Policy Advice

Terminexport im ICS-Format

Online discussion in English on the future EU-Africa relations with perspectives from Africa and Europe

Online discussion "Conclusion and Way ahead: Targeted Policy Advice"

Tuesday June 9, 2-3:30 pm CEST (via Zoom)

In 2020, the nature of the cooperation between the European Union and Africa is negotiated and might profoundly change: a new EU-Sahel Strategy, a new EU-Africa Strategy, the EU-AU summit in autumn, the German Presidency of the Council of the EU, the development of new finance instruments – all against the background of a shaky multilateralism and the challenges posed by the corona crisis. An opportunity to raise the partnership to “a new level”? An opportunity to address not only issues such as security, migration, hunger and poverty but also sustainability, the empowerment of women and youth and fair trade?

In the fifth and concluding online discussion of the series we tried to identify opportunities for targeted policy advice in order to push for a new, just and sustainable European-African partnership. Together with Geert Laporte (ECDPM; ETTG), Tanya Cox (CONCORD) and George Mukundi (Maendeleo Group; University of Cape Town), we discussed and elaborated on priorities and opportunities for a tailored policy advice during the coming months. Based on the findings from the previous sessions and with reference to the broader dynamics of the European-African partnership and the consequences of the pandemic – what is the way ahead?


Discussion with:

  • Geert Laporte, Director European Think Tanks Group (ETTG); Deputy Director, European Centre for Development Policy Management (ECDPM)
  • Tanya Cox, Director of CONCORD, the European confederation of development and relief NGOs
  • George Mukundi,Adjunct Professor, Public Law Department, Faculty of Law, University of Cape Town; Chief Executive Officer, Maendeleo Group (Pty) Ltd, South Africa


  • Daniela Iller, FES Brussels Office
  • Anne Felmet, FES Africa Department


  • Manfred Öhm, Head, FES Africa Department
  • Gilbert Knies, FES Africa Department

Web-seminar series programme

12 May, 2pm – 3.30pm  #1 | Kick-Off ­­| What’s the offer? Expectation on the EU-Africa Year

19 May, 3.30pm – 5pm  #2 | New Finance Instruments | NDICI and Democracy Promotion

26 May, 2pm – 3.30pm  #3 | New Finance Instruments | The EU External Investment Plan

2 June, 2pm – 3.30pm  #4 | New Finance Instruments | The European Peace Facility

9 June, 2pm – 3.30pm  #5 | Wrap up and way ahead | Targeted Policy Advice


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