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Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

Carolina G. Hernandez

Think Piece 18: Mapping Security Provision in Southeast Asia

An analysis of the monopoly on the use of force in ten East Asian countries finds diverse state, non-state and hybrid security actors competing for power.

Think Piece 18: Mapping Security Provision in Southeast Asia

Bild: Cover "Think Piece No. 18" von FES


  • Northeast and Southeast Asia form East Asia where countriesare economically interconnected, but regional powers are competitive in geostrategic terms. Although the military has no political role in most countries, in practice it dabbles in politics particularly in Southeast Asia. There is no monopoly for the use of force in practice.
  • The delegation of security provision to an external actor in East Asia is highly unlikely now or in the foreseeable future due to geostrategic realities enhanced by power shifts from the West to the East and major power rivalries, in and outside East Asia that affect the region.
  • Reforming the region’s security sector must respect context-specific sensitivities, given the distinctive differences between countries located in East Asia.
  • Regional cooperation in non-traditional security issues particularly in humanitarian assistance and disaster response, pandemics, and environmental protection has increasingly crowded East Asia’s security agenda.

Hernandez, Carolina G.

Mapping security provision in Southeast Asia

Berlin, 2017

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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