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Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

Francine Jácome

Think Piece No. 16: Monopoly on the use of force in Latin America and the Caribbean

Latin America is one of the most violent regions of the world due to intra-state conflict and high homicide rates. According to Francine Jácome, the region needs effectively prevent and resolve violent conflicts and deal with transnational organized crime as well.

Think Piece No. 16: Monopoly on the use of force in Latin America and the Caribbean

Bild: Cover der Publikation; Bild: FES


  • Though considered to be a peaceful region because there is little inter-state conflict, Latin America is one of the most violent regions of the world due to intra-state conflict and high homicide rates.
  • Debate on the legitimate monopoly on the use of force must be examined within the framework of democratic governance and its institutions. This is especially true for Latin America and the Caribbean, where security arrangements that are accountable, human-rights based, legitimate and under civilian control have to be built.
  • Interaction and cooperation between global institutions, regional organizations, or sub-regional ones have been weak. The prevalence of nationalism is a hindrance to effective cooperation and in many countries organized crime poses a threat to democratic governance.
  • The region needs to put in place mechanisms that will promote effective prevention and resolution of the violent conflicts at the national level, as well dealing with transnational organized crime.

Jácome, Francine

Monopoly on the use of force in Latin America and the Caribbean

nexus of regional and global institutions
Berlin, 2016

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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