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The best ideas and the greatest knowledge come about when people come together and exchange ideas. Both science and Europe thrive on this principle. The increase in the budget of the Erasmus+ programme by 80 % acknowledges the great significance of mobility and exchange. The European Universities Initiative, too, reinforces learning with each other and from each other and makes joint European university campuses, Europe-wide studying and European knowledge-creation teams possible.
At the same time, the COVID crisis has had a highly detrimental effect on scientific exchange within Europe as well as with the world outside Europe and has given a massive boost to the use of digital communication routes beyond national boundaries. Brexit and the departure of the United Kingdom from the Erasmus programme confront exchange and mobility in Europe with new challenges. In our workshop, we want to discuss the outlook for scientific exchange and mobility in a post-Brexit and post-COVID Europe.
Please registrate until the 18th of June. We will send you the login for the video conference (Zoom) on June 21.*
Lena Bülowlena.buelow(at)fes.de030-26935-8323
Hiroshimastraße 17 10785 Berlin – Tiergarten Haus 1
Moderated by: Professor Julia von Blumenthal, President of the European University Viadrina, Frankfurt (Oder)