Internationaler UN-Tag für den universellen Zugang zu Informationen

UN-Tag für das Recht auf Informationen am 28. September! Wie wichtig das für Afrika ist, zeigt ein kurzes, eindrückliches Video von fesmedia Africa sowie weitere Wettbewerbsvideos.

Am 28. September wird der Internationale UN-Tag für das universelle Recht auf Zugang zu Informationen unter dem Motto "Saving Lives, Building Trust, and Bringing Hope” gefeiert.

Vor ungefähr einem Jahr, im Oktober 2019, hat die 74. UN-Vollversammlung den 28. September als International Tag für den Universellen Zugang zu Informationen verabschiedet. Kurz danach hat auch die Afrikanische Komission für Menschenrechte die Declaration of Principles of Freedom of Expression and Access to Information in Africa erlassen.

Diese beiden Prozesse markieren einen herausragenden Meilenstein auf dem langen Weg, den die Zivilgesellschaft - v.a. die African platform for access to information (APAI) - zusammen mit multilateralen nicht-staatlichen Akteuren wie der UNESCO und der Afrikanischen Komission seit Jahrzehten gegangen und dabei unermüdlich dafür eingetreten ist, dass das Recht auf Informationen global als fundamentales Menschenrecht anerkannt wird.

Sehen Sie hier, warum der Zugang zu Informationen für alle unabhängig von Sprache so enscheidend ist (englisches Video)! Es lohnt sich!

Winners of video clip competition on the UN International Day

The fact that this day is a UN day is thanks to the efforts of African activists across the continent, coalesced in the African Platform for Access to Information (APAI). Zoé Titus, Chairperson of the APAI Working Group, says: “African civil society organisations and governments should be justifiably proud of the role they played in securing an international day on the right to information, firstly with the UNESCO approval in 2015 and ultimately the UN-level recognition that they birthed in 2019”, adding “It is a testament to how collective effort endorsed global consensus on how the right to access to information improves people’s lives.”

Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung (FES) - a long term partner with APAI - through its regional media project fesmedia Africa, launched a video clip competition asking youth across the continent to share what they feel about access to information with a view to UNESCO’s theme for this year’s celebration - Saving Lives, Building Trust and Bringing Hope. The idea was to encourage youth especially to reflect on the importance of access to information (ATI) in their lives.

Although the competition only ran from the 14th through the 20th of September, 3 Portuguese language, 2 French, 1 Sesotho and 43 English video clips were received and the level of creativity was outstanding. Entries were received from Botswana, Cameroon, Ghana, Lesotho, Malawi, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, South Africa, Swaziland, Uganda, Zambia, and Zimbabwe.

A panel of judges carefully watched the videos and evaluated them in terms of creativity, technical prowess and content. First place was awarded to Austin Ekwujuru from Nigeria. Second place was awarded to Jonathan Sulemane from Mozambique with third place going to Nobuhle Nyamanza from Zimbabwe.

1st Prize Winner - Austin Chinonye Ekwujuru from Nigeria

With 6 years experience in the non-profit sector, Austin uses the instrumentality of the access to information law to entrench transparency and accountability in Nigerian public institutions through championing grassroots’ accountability campaigns. Currently, he serves as the Chief Executive of Basic Rights Watch (BRW), an organization that promotes public accountability and community development through improving citizens’ access to public information, and enhancing active citizenry and participatory governance. Currently supporting the localization and implementation of the Open Government Partnership in Nigeria, Austin is also a fellow of the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Open-Mind Young-Voices program, a ONE Champion, and delegate to the Continental Model-AU Summit 2018 amongst other awards. Follow him on Twitter @AustinEkwujuru

2nd Prize Winner – Jonathan Suleman from Mozambique

Jonathan Sulemane, born on September 29, 1994, of Mozambican nationality, born in the province of Zambézia, has a degree in political science. He is a trade unionist, a social activist, a member of the Quelimane municipal assembly as well as a researcher and a musician in the style of repeer as a way of social intervention. He is currently being trained in the 4 YOUTH LEADERS group, by the Friedrich Ebert Stiftung foundation, (Mozambique-Maputo).

3rd Prize Winner – Nobuhle Nyamanza from Zimbabwe

Nobuhle Nyamanza is a young lady aged 35 and an Analytical Chemist by profession. She is a passionate trade unionist and the current secretary general for young workers under Zimbabwe Chemicals and Allied Workers Union (ZCPAWU) and a committee member in the Zimbabwe Industrial young workers structure.

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