Costing Out Contract Proposals
We need to know the cost of each of the union and the employer(s) proposals. Even if the employer(s) are unwilling to supply complete cost data or if the data supplied is suspect, union negotiators can calculate basic estimated costs.
If you are negotiating with a local government over working conditions rather than an employer, you will also need to determine the cost of your proposal to the government entity. For example, you may need to identify the cost of land, of keeping a market open additional days, or the cost of providing washing facilities for workers.
Once agreement is reached, it is easier for workers to know whether the contract should be ratified if they know how much the settlement costs the employer and can compare it to past settlements and employer profits. Workers should know how much they have won in benefits and improvements.
For example, during negotiations the employer’s negotiating team may accept the union’s proposal for a 15 cent an hour increase in healthcare coverage if the union agrees to drop another proposal for a 1% increase in the night shift differential. In order to counter this, the union will need to know how much each of those proposals will actually cost. If the employer(s) says that “we have already agreed to a 21% total package and we won’t give any more”, the union can counter most effectively if they know whether the package actually does cost 21%.
Reaching an agreement requires both parties to make many decisions about adjusting their positions. Careful costing of the package helps the union determine what adjustments to make.
“In the face of privatisation and the loss of access to waste, we undertook research that showed that waste-pickers made a huge contribution to improvements in the environment, as well as substantial financial savings for the municipality. Around 20 per cent of the waste in the municipality is being cleaned by waste-pickers. Negotiations with the government led to the award of a waste-collection contract and now around 3000 women collect waste from 300,000 homes. The neighbouring city then invited us to do the same thing and 600 women are involved there. Our fight demonstrated how much these women contribute to the city, but also how much we saved in the municipal budgets. These savings now cover the premium for health insurance for all women in the city.”
Surekha Gade, KKPKP (Kagad Kach Patra Kashtakari Panchayat)
Spreadsheet programs such as excel are very helpful in costing out contract proposals. However, they pose their own challenges if the wrong information or formula is entered into the spreadsheet. Many union negotiators are perfectly comfortable using a pencil, notepad and calculator. The important thing is to find a method that works for you. Understand the reasoning behind your calculations and always double-check your work.
The costing out exercises that follow are based on bargaining between one union and one employer in bargaining an enterprise-level collective agreement. You will need to adjust your calculations if you are working with more than one employer or an industry group.
Some of the exercises may not be relevant to informal workers who, rather than negotiating for a specific wage increase or paid time off, are negotiating for improved access to materials or selling locations. You will need to decide which of the exercises apply to your situation or whether you need to create your own costing out exercises.
You will practice the exercises using your own contract negotiations as an example. You will have an opportunity to accomplish the following:
- Research the cost of living and a living wage
- Calculate the weighted average wage rate (WABR)
- Costing wages over the years
- Cost out benefits such as healthcare, pension contributions, holidays, vacation, paid time off and overtime
- Cost out the total baseline compensation
- Cost out a tentative agreement
- Calculate a roll-up factor for a benefit that increases as wages increase
- Cost out a benefit, such as shift differential, that only applies to a fraction of the workers
- Research the cost of employer payroll taxes
Gather information on the costs of the workforce’s wages and benefits.
A sample letter to an employer requesting financial information is in the section Conducting the Negotiations.
Once you have gathered the necessary financial information, schedule a time to practice the costing out exercises below prior to the beginning of negotiations.
Adapted from “A Guide to Costing Labor Contracts”, International Brotherhood of Teamsters, Training and Development Department.
Cost of Living and a Living Wage
The cost of living is an important factor to consider when costing out a contract. The union will usually strive to beat the cost of living and provide a living wage to workers.
Determine the cost of living and a living wage for workers in your area.
Both may be found with an Internet search, for example at Wage Indicator Foundation.
If living wage studies are not available, you may want to request help from a university to complete a study to determine the cost of rent, food, childcare and other essentials in your area.
Look back over past wage payments to see if workers are keeping up or falling behind the cost of living.
Calculate whether workers are being paid above a living wage or if the employer is paying poverty wages.
Determine the impact on the local and national economy of workers receiving a liveable vs a poverty wage.
If useful, determine the cost to taxpayers and the country of government programmes that workers are using to survive, such as food or housing subsidies.
Calculating the Weighted Average Base Rate (WABR)
Most workplaces will have a number of different job classifications earning different rates, and within these different job classifications there may be different wage rates.
Instead of calculating out proposals based on each classification and wage rate, it is often helpful to calculate the Weighted Average Base Rate (WABR). Consider the table below showing the different classifications and wage rates for the employees of XYZ, Inc.:
In this example, XYZ, Inc. employs 120 employees in four separate wage classifications with each classification earning a different rate. Figuring out the weighted average base rate will make calculating your proposals and the employer’s proposals much easier.
To calculate the WABR, multiply the number of each member in each classification by their wage rate. In the A-I classification, multiply the 25 members by their hourly rate of $15.25 to reach a total hourly rate for the A-I classification of $381.25. Do this same calculation for the remaining classifications and add the total hourly rates together for all of the classifications.
This total equals $2,010, which when divided by the total number of members (120) will equal your WABR of $16.75. In this example, we assume that the employees work 40 hours a week during the 52 weeks of the year for a total of 2,080 hours worked. To figure the total baseline wages for this bargaining unit, we multiply our WABR ($16.75) by the total number of employees (120), by the total hours worked (2,080) and arrive at $4,180,800.
Now that we have our WABR, let’s look at some wage offers you will typically see at the bargaining table.
Cost out the weighted average wage rate (WABR) for your negotiations based on the examples above.
Costing Wages over Years
This section provides the formula to go through the math of creating a wage proposal over a period of years.
A good negotiator will instinctively try to get as much as possible in wage increases as soon as possible.
Assume that the employer is offering a 9% wage increase over the course of a three-year contract.
- Would it be better to front-load the 9% by moving the first year’s increase to 5% and putting 2% in each of the next two years?
- What if we spread the 9% evenly by increasing wages 3% in each year of the contract?
- Lastly, would it be better to back-load the contract by putting 2% in the first two years of the contract and 5% in the last?
Let’s calculate each of these proposals to see which is best:
First, let’s look at the formula for our front-loaded proposal:
Using the WABR from our prior example, we multiply the WABR of $16.75 by 5% to obtain our new WABR of $17.59 per hour. Multiplying the new WABR by the amount of employees and the total number of hours worked brings the total cost of the wages in the first year to $4,390,464. This is an increase of $209,664 for the 5% wage increase. Using the same formula, we can calculate the remaining two years of the front-loaded proposal. After this is done, we can add all of the contract years of wage increase and arrive at a total of $13,435,968 for our front-loaded proposal.
Next, let’s look at the formula for our even distribution proposal:
Finally, let’s look at the formula for our back-loaded proposal:
In all of these examples, the WABR ended up at $18.30 in the final year of the contract because all of the wage increases totaled 9%. However, as you can clearly see, front-loading a contract will bring more value to your members because it puts a larger wage increase into the first year and allows the subsequent year’s increases to compound out at a higher rate.
Cost out a wage increase proposal for your bargaining.
To get a true cost of healthcare benefits, you must request the true cost of healthcare premiums and the number of members in each classification covered (single, married, family, etc.). Consider this table showing the current costs of healthcare at XYZ, Inc.:
In this example, to get a weighted average for the cost of health care you can divide the total annual cost ($2,944,380) by the total number of employees (120) by the amount of total hours in a year (2,080).
The hourly weighted average for health care is $11.80
Pension contributions
XYZ, Inc. currently contributes $400 per month into the union’s pension fund. On an annual basis the employer contributes $576,000. You can figure out the hourly amount for pension contributions by dividing the annual contribution ($576,000) by the amount of employees (120) by the total hours worked (2,080).
The 2,080 hours worked a year is based on 40 hours worked multiplied by 52 weeks.
The hourly cost of pension contributions is $2.31.
Currently, the members at XYZ, Inc. are entitled to 10 paid holidays. The total annual cost of paid holidays can be determined by multiplying the number of holidays (10) by the number of hours paid for each day (8) by the number of members (120) by the WABR (16.75). The total cost for paid holidays is $160,800.
Vacations should be calculated using the same process as the weighted average base rate for wages.
The number of members earning vacation at different levels should be multiplied together to show the total number of weeks for each level of vacation. After adding all of the weeks of vacation earned at each level, you can divide this number by the total number of members. This will yield the average number of weeks earned for each employee. This makes it easier to calculate the costs of vacation leave as you figure out the total compensation in each year of the proposed contract.
In our current example, the 120 members of XYZ, Inc. earn a total of 330 weeks of vacation. When we divide the 330 weeks of vacation by the 120 total members, we arrive at an average of 2.75 weeks of vacation per member.
Paid time off
Paid time off could be calculated separately if your contract separates sick time and personal time. However, all of the time could be added together into one category.
The members at XYZ, Inc., are entitled to 9 paid days off. The total cost for all paid time off can be determined by multiplying the number of paid days off (9) by the number of paid hours for each day (8), by the number of members (120), by the WABR (16.75).
The total cost for paid days off is $144,720.
Depending on your situation, you may want to calculate the cost of overtime compensation. If workers earn overtime, you should send the employer an
information request asking for the amount of overtime hours worked by the members.
You could determine the amount of overtime earned by your members by multiplying the total number of overtime hours worked by the overtime rate ($16.75 x 1.5).
Some employers will not factor in overtime and will base cost estimates on a 40-hour basis, especially if the overtime is not guaranteed. You will need to decide if you want to add overtime into your cost estimates.
Our examples below do not include overtime costs and are based on a 40-hour workweek.
Cost out any of the following benefits you receive:
- ☐ Health care
- ☐ Pension contributions
- ☐ Holidays
- ☐ Vacation
- ☐ Paid time off
- ☐ Overtime
Costing the Total Baseline Compensation
Now that we have calculated each cost for wages and fringe benefits, we need to add together the annual costs of wages, healthcare, and pension so our baseline compensation costs can then later be compared to the union’s and the employer’s proposals.
Please note that the costs associated with vacation, holidays and paid time off are not added to the annual baseline costs since we used the standard calculation of 2,080 hours per year for the wage calculation. The 2,080 hours worked a year is based on 40 hours worked multiplied by 52 weeks.
Alternatively, you could calculate the cost of actual hours worked, by subtracting the amount of vacation, holiday and paid time off from the amount of wages.
Cost out your total baseline compensation following the above example.
Decide whether you will include overtime in your calculations.
Costing Out a Tentative Agreement
After extensive negotiations, the Union and XZY, Inc. have reached a tentative agreement that provides for the following modifications to the current contract:
The tentative agreement calls for a 9% wage increase over the three years in the following incremental steps: 5% in the first year, 2% in the second year, and 2% in the third year.
The Union was seeking an increase in vacation leave to five weeks for members with 25 years or more of service. Although the members wanted this increase, it was not something the employer was willing to accept. In the end, the negotiating committee felt it was better to put the money elsewhere. Even though the union did not achieve an increase in the amount of vacation earned, the cost of vacation will still increase based on the wage increase listed above.
In this example, during negotiations the union was able to make
small adjustments to the healthcare plan design to provide significant savings
to the employer. The new rates are roughly five per cent lower than the employer’s current costs. Healthcare costs were contained for the next two years at five per cent increases in each year, which further stabilised the employer’s rise in health care rates.
If the healthcare benefit provider cannot provide rates in the next few years, you should ask for a premium rate history to show the average rate increases for the plan. With this information, you can make reasonable assumptions about the cost of healthcare increases.
The new rates for healthcare coverage are listed below, with the increases in the second and third years of the contract listed as well. Note also the initial savings in the first year of $147,219, which is equal to $0.59 per hour, per employee.
The union negotiated for an additional paid holiday, and was successful in obtaining the extra paid holiday. The cost of the holiday is listed below. Since the members are paid eight hours for each paid day, you would multiply eight hours by the new hourly rate of $17.59 by the number of members in the bargaining unit (120). The total cost to the employer for one extra paid day is $16,886.40 in the first year. The total hourly cost per member can be found by multiplying eight hours of pay by the WABR of $17.59 per hour divided by the total hours worked in a year (2,080). This amounts to a cost of $0.067 cents per hour, rounded up to $0.07.
The total annual cost for all paid holidays is represented in the following chart. In year 1 you multiply the WABR ($17.59) by the number of members in the bargaining unit (120), by the total hours paid for a holiday (8), by the number of total paid Holidays (11). Total cost for all paid holidays in the first year of the new contract is $185,750.40.
Paid time off
The union was again successful in negotiating an additional day of paid time off and increased the total allotment of paid days off from nine to ten. The new costs for the extra paid day can be found by multiplying the WABR ($17.59) by the number of members in the bargaining unit (120), by the total hours paid for a paid day off (8), by the number of total paid days off (10). Total cost
for all paid days off in the first year of the new contract is $168,864.00. The additional costs for the next two years of the contract can be found in the chart below.
The union came to a tentative agreement with the employer on an increase of fifty dollars per month per member in the first year of the contract and maintains that amount throughout the contract. This raises the total monthly contribution to $450 per member per month. To figure out the hourly rate of the monthly contribution you would multiply the monthly contribution ($450) by number of months in a year (12), and divide this number ($5400) by the total number of hours worked in a year (2,080). The total cost per hour per employee of the pension contribution is $2.60. The total annual cost of the pension contribution can be determined by multiplying the monthly contribution ($450) by the total number of members, by the number of months in a year (12). The total annual cost of the pension contribution is $648,000 for each year of the contract.
Total cost of the tentative agreement
Just as we did for the baseline costs, we can now add up the proposals in each of the three years to see what the cost of the entire tentative agreement is.
When adding the proposals together, something should stand out. While the union negotiated a five per cent wage increase in the first year, with additional holidays and paid days off, and an increase in the employer’s pension contribution, the total percentage increase is only 1.75%. How can this be?
If you look back through the union’s proposal, when the union provided significant savings to the employer, while leaving those savings on the table. This illustrates the importance of costing out a contract. If a negotiator and/or the bargaining committee do not understand the costs and implications of each proposal, there will be negative consequences at the negotiating table.
Decide on a possible tentative agreement that might be achieved by your bargaining and cost it out.
Roll-ups are benefits that increase as wages increase
In the spreadsheet above, some of the benefits increased as the hourly wage increased throughout the contract. These benefits not only increase when you add additional days off, but also when wages that are tied to the benefits increase. In our example, these fringe benefits are vacation leave, holiday pay and paid time off payments. These benefits that increase as the hourly wage increases are considered “roll-up” or “creep” costs.
Note that the pension increase in this example is not included, as it is a flat amount that is not tied to wages. A pension contribution that is represented by a percentage of the hourly rate would be counted in the “roll-up” factor. The
same would be true for a shift differential. If the shift differential is a flat rate, it will not be counted in the roll-up calculation, but if the shift differential is paid out as a percentage of the hourly rate, it will be included in the roll-up calculation.
To figure out the roll-up factor, you would calculate the hourly rate of the benefits that “roll up”. Once you have the total hourly rate for all of the roll-up benefits, you divide that number by the weighted average base rate (WABR). The roll-up factor is then a percentage. In our example, the hourly rates for these benefits are shown on the following chart:
In our example, the total hourly rate for vacation leave, PTO and holiday pay is $2.11. Dividing this number by the WABR of $16.75, one sees that the roll-up costs are 13% of the WABR.
In other words, for every dollar increase you receive in hourly wages, the costs of roll-up benefits increase 13%, so a $1 increase in wages will actually cost the employer $1.13.
In addition to the examples above there are a few other calculations you may want to figure into your proposal, as these do increase an employer’s costs.
Identify a benefit that increases as wages increase and calculate the roll-up factor.
Benefits Applying to a Section of the Workers
General Formula: Figure the cents per hour cost of benefits as though all of the membership were to receive it. Multiply the above figure by the per cent of employees that do receive this benefit.
Identify a benefit that would apply to only one section of the membership, such as a shift differential, and cost it out.
Payroll Taxes
Sometimes it is useful to know the cost that the employer will pay in taxes, even though this is not money that workers will receive. For example, if you might be negotiating the cost savings to the employer for a partial shutdown of a section of the operations and want to know their total cost of payroll savings, as you want to argue that those savings should be used elsewhere.
The percentage of payroll due in taxes, for example .02 or 2% of total payroll, means that a $1.00 wage increase actually costs an additional $.02 cents if the contribution rate is 2%.
Research how much your employer pays for payroll taxes and cost it out.