1-year postdoctoral position "War and citizenship. Redrawing the boundaries of citizenship in the First World War and its aftermath"

Stipendium, Universität Napoli Federico II ab 09.2017, Bewerbungsfrist 05.06.2017


Deadline 05.06.2017


One 1-year postdoctoral position is available within the PRIN 2015 research project War and citizenship. Redrawing the boundaries of citizenship in the First World War and its aftermath.

Head of Research: Prof. Daniela Luigia Caglioti

Host Institution: Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II – Dipartimento di Scienze Sociali (Italy)
Approx. starting date: September 2017

Research Project
“War and citizenship. Redrawing the boundaries of citizenship in the First World War and its aftermath” is a 3-year project funded by Italian Ministry of Education and Research (2017-2020). The project is led and coordinated by Prof. Daniela Luigia Caglioti and is hosted by the Department of Social Sciences at University of Napoli Federico II (Italy).

The project focuses on the process of definition and re-definition of state, peoples and citizenship in two periods of crisis and transition that were also moments of construction of a new sense of belonging and of exclusion: The First World War and its aftermath. As critical moments of the mobilization of parts of the population and of the exclusion of others through violence and forced nationalization (including economic nationalization), the war and the revolutions it generated contributed to the re-definition of the criteria and concepts of citizenship and belonging. After the war, the
collapse of empires and the creation of new successor states also brought about processes of re-definition of inclusion and exclusion, which impacted upon both Europe and her colonial possessions, as well as upon international law.

Applicants are required to develop a research proposal focusing on the transition from state of emergency to ordinary life and in particular on the restoration of rights and legal processes; on the mixing and un-mixing of peoples caused by the redrawing of the borders, and by the different options introduced by the peace treaties, in particular in the successor states; on the writing of new nationality laws in the sovereign states strengthened or created by the war; on the emergence of statelessness as a crucial issue of the post-war order; on the way in which changes in nationality laws and citizenship notions affected gender relationships and the urge to redefine women’ citizenship.
The research proposal shall focus on one or more successor states.
Post-doc profile
The ideal candidate must possess a Ph.D., preferably in History, defended by the deadline of the call, an excellent command of English and of at least another Eastern, Central or Southern-Eastern European language.

Requirements and conditions of the appointment
Applicants must present a research proposal in the field of the “War and citizenship” project (max 10,000 signs), a cv (max three pages), three of publications chosen from those that are most representative of their profile, a copy of their Ph.D. thesis, two letters of reference.

25,556.85 (gross)

The detailed notice and application forms are to be found at the following URL:
http://www.unina.it/documents/11958/14215274/SSOC_01-2017_05.pdf (Italian version)

http://www.unina.it/documents/11958/14215274/SSOC_01-2017_05_EN.pdf (English version)

For further information, please send an e-mail to: danielaluigia.caglioti(at)unina.it



Daniela Caglioti Dip. Scienze Sociali, Università di Napoli Federico II

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