US Presidential Elections - Who won the Blue Collar Vote?

9. December 2020: One of the decisive questions in the 2020 election is how the blue collar vote was cast.

At the beginning, Anja Wehler-Schöck from the German Embasy in Washington D.C., compares and contrasts Labor Unions and their political involvement in Germany and US. Afterwards, Professor Sharry Linkon from Georgetown University, analyses the Vote in 2020 and answers the questions: Is there “one Working Class” in the US? Where are the different manifestations of working class folks on the ideological scale?

The subsuquent discussion focuses on the situation of workers under the pandemic, cancel culture and identity, and the relationship of the Democrats und Unions and the expected changes the President-elect, Joe Biden, will bring.

In cooperation with Amerikahaus München and DGB München

Video (Duration 1:13:30):


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