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This preparatory section begins with materials that will help you to collectively analyse your situation, set goals, and prepare your team to work together collectively.
Each union and each situation is different and changing. You will need to review the materials below and decide which of these core materials are applicable to your situation.
Once you are familiar with these core materials you will be able to apply them to Organisational Transformation, Campaigning and Organising ,Collective Bargaining , or Advocacy work.
If you need an overall work plan for the union or if it is not yet clear where the union needs to begin its work, the section below on strategic action planning will help the union collectively focus and decide how to proceed.
If you are not familiar enough yet with the base of workers, their problems and needs, you may want to begin with the Participatory Action Research process.
Analysing your situation collectively will help ground the union’s work and develop the capabilities necessary to build union power. The analysis work should be planned and carried out collectively. Analysis should not be done for the sake of analysis only, but as a critical step in bringing about action. Choose which of the materials listed below will fit your situation.
Which of these tools might you utilise to help collectively analyse your work before you begin?
This section contains tools that will help you collectively set goals. This will help develop a collective consensus around clear, realistic and measurable goals that are framed in a manner to build workers power
Which of these tools might you utilise to set collective goals for your work? You will likely need to use all of them, particularly the materials on Problems to Goals
Working as a collective will help spread the work around, develop leaders and increase the commitment and ownership of the action plans for all participants. The more you plan and act collectively, the more you will be building worker power.
Which of these tools might you help you work collectively?
Strategic planning helps us collectively analyse our union, define how we would want the union to be and what changes are needed. It can be part of an overall plan for the entire union, or it can focus in on specific area where attention is needed.
If you are already clear on where the union needs to focus, you may want to move directly to the Tool Box materials on Organisational Transformation , Organising and Campaigning, Collective Bargaining , or Advocacy.
You will need to decide which of the materials will be most useful to you. For example, if you know that the union is committed to organising a group of informal workers, you might want to review the sections on Campaigning and Organising and Crossing the Divides. If the informal workers are female racialised migrant workers, you may also want to work with the materials on Women and Gender Equality and Racism and Decolonisation.
If the union is unsure whether it wants to begin organising informal workers, a strategic action plan may be the place to start, but you will also want to include the materials on “Crossing the Divide – Informal Workers”.
Some unions use an annual or biannual strategic planning process to create a space and culture in the union that allows for collective review of the union’s work on a regular basis.
Would the union benefit from a strategic planning process?
If yes, would the strategic planning process cover an overall plan for the union or a specific area of the union?