Die FES wird 100! Mehr erfahren


Giebler, Heiko; Regel, Sven

Who votes right-wing populist?

Geographical and individual factors in seven German state elections
Bonn, 2018

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Müller-Hennig, Marius

Political fragmentation on the left ... alongside a global renaissance of right-wing populism

Conference report : International Conference: "Fragmented We Stand", Sarajevo, 5.-6. July 2017
Sarajevo, 2018

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Müller-Hennig, Marius

Politička fragmentacija ljevice ... uz globalni preporod desničarskog populizma

izvještaj s konferencije : Međunarodna konferencija "Fragmentirani stojimo?" Sarajevo, 5.-6. jula 2017. godine
Sarajevo, 2018

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Right-wing populism in Europe and Israel

Common challenges and policy options : Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 October 2017
Herzliya;FES,2018, 2018

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[Right-wing populism in Europe and Israel]

[Common challenges and policy options : Barcelona, Spain, 15-16 October 2017]
Herzliya;FES,2018., 2018-Hebrewscript

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Krekó, Péter

Rethinking the Far Right in Hungary

Defeating Orbán is impossible without Jobbik's votes
Budapest, 2018

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Lendvai, Ildikó

Why should the left-wing opposition in Hungary not work together with the far-right jobbik party?

Budapest, 2018

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Balabanova-Stoycheva, Iliana; Kadieva, Milena; Krumova, Teodora

Women's rights and right-wing populism

New tools for development of democratic and social values
Sofia, 2018

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Babeş, Adina; Bărbulescu, Ana

Ghid de coduri, simboluri şi însemne ale extremei drepte în România

Bucharest, 2018

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Rechtsextremismus? Nicht mit mir!

Grundwissen und Handwerkszeug für Demokratie in Berlin : Begleitheft zur Ausstellung "Demokratie stärken - Rechtsextremismus bekämpfen"
Berlin, 2017

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Franziska Schröter


Karolin Paschedag


Referat Demokratie, Gesellschaft, Innovation
Hiroshimastr. 17
10785 Berlin

030/ 269 35 7311
030/ 269 35 9241

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