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Matsubara, Hironao

Renewable energy policies and the energy transition in Japan

Tokio, 2018

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Micinski, Nicholas R.

Implementing the global compact for migration

The role of states, UN agencies, and civil society
Berlin, 2018

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Perceptions of the OSCE in Europe and the USA

Wien, 2018

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Ehlert, Franziska

Wie tragfähig ist Côte d'Ivoires Prozess der Entwaffnung, Demobilsierung und Reintegration?

Berlin, 2018

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Dienes, Alexandra


Why the European Union should talk with the Euroasian Economic Union
Wien, 2018

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Khadiagala, Gilbert M.

How can democratic peace work in Southern Africa?

Trends and trajectories since the decade of hope
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Gowan, Richard

Der heiße Stuhl

Was kann Deutschland im Sicherheitsrat erreichen?
Berlin, 2018

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Nedergaard, Peter

Back to its roots

Why do the Danish social democrats want a more restrictive immigration policy?
Budapest, 2018

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Gowan, Richard

In the hot seat

What can Germany achieve in the Security Council?
NewYork, 2018

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How to engage and with whom towards collective security in the Sahelo-Saharan region and in West Africa?

Dakar, 4-5 December 2017
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Zamirirad, Azadeh

Hassan Rohanis Drahtseilakt

Gesellschaftliche und politische Herausforderungen in der zweiten Amtszeit des iranischen Präsidenten
Berlin, 2018

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Pavelić, Boris

Peaceful reintegration

The discarded triumph of reason and peace
Zagreb, 2018

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Keita, Naffet

Agreement for peace and reconciliation in Mali resulting from the Algiers process

Between euphoria and scepticism: traces of peace
Dakar-Fann, 2018

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Cahill-Ripley, Amanda; Hendrick, Diane

Economic, social and cultural rights and sustaining peace

Report : An introduction
Berlin,Geneva, 2018

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Blackings, Mairi John

Why peace fails: The case of South Sudan's Agreement on the Resolution of the Conflict in South Sudan

Dakar-Fann, 2018

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