Publikationen zu Die Welt gerecht gestalten


Krumm, Reinhard; Vasileva, Alexandra; Weiss, Simon

For a balanced peace

First steps out of the security deadlock in (Eastern) Europe
Berlin, 2017

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Terwindt, Carolijn; Saage-Maass, Miriam

Zur Haftung von Sozialauditor ̲ innen in der Textilindustrie

Berlin, 2017

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Chi, Do Quynh

The missing link in the chain?

Trade regimes and labour standards in the garment, footwear and electronics supply chains in Vietnam
Hanoi, 2017

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White book

Pathways towards sustainable peace : building United Nations Security Council Resolution 1325 on the Women, Peace and Security Agenda in Cyprus ; guidelines of best practices 2017
Nicosia, 2017

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Hermwille, Lukas

En route to a just global energy transformation?

The formative power of the SDGs and the Paris Agreement
Berlin, 2017

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Bolton , Matthew

The nuclear weapons ban and human security for all

Assessing the draft convention on the prohibition of nuclear weapons from a human security perspective
Berlin, 2017

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Human security and security sector reform in Eastern Europe

Kyiv, 2017

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González Jiménez, Estiven

Costa Rica 100% renewable

keys and lessons from a successful electric power policy
Mexiko, 2017

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Frieden fördern, Globalisierung gerecht gestalten

Nach Innen und nach Aussen : ein Diskussionsimpuls : [...] basiert auf substanziellen Inputs und Rückmeldungen des "Arbeitskreises Zivile Krisenprävention und Konfliktbearbeitung"
Berlin, 2017

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From politics to policy: building regional resilience in West Asia and North Africa

Mapping a new regional architecture for peace, development, and human dignity
Amman, 2017

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Delgado Peralta, Martha

Lessons from Ecobici for the implementation of public bicycle systems in Mexico

Mexiko, 2017

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Castañeda Castro, Wilson; Bula Beleño, Alfredo; Bula Beleño, Enith

Guide about the implementation of the Peace Agreement in Colombia

Research Team of the Caribe Afirmativo Corporation; authors: Wilson Castañeda Castro, Alfredo Bula Beleño, Enith Bula Beleño. - Bogotá-Colombia : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, March 2017. - 14 Seiten = 230 KB, PDF-File. - (Análisis
Bogotá, 2017

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Esquivel, Valeria; Kaufmann, Andrea

Innovations in care

New concepts, new actors, new policies
Berlin, 2017

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The Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) in Africa - a human rights perspective

Geneva, 2017

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Hermwille, Lukas

Auf dem Weg zu einer gerechten globalen Energietransformation?

Die Gestaltungsmacht der SDGs und des Paris Agreement
Berlin, 2017

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