Publikationen zu Die Welt gerecht gestalten


Corporate social responsibility in the EU and in Israel

corporate cultures regarding humanitarian law and human rights and their impact on conflict solutions
Herzliya, 2015

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Rathgeber, Theodor

UN Human Rights Council

challenges for its next presidency
Berlin, 2015

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Avezov, Xenia; Lijn, Jaïr van der; Müller-Hennig, Marius

Friedenseinsätze in einer sich ändernden Weltordnung

Herausforderungen und Handlungsempfehlungen
Berlin, 2014

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Kilembe, Faouzi

Die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit in der Republik Zentralafrika: "Mission impossible?"

Yaounde, 2015

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Avezov, Xenia; Lijn, Jaïr van der; Müller-Hennig, Marius

Peace operations in a changing world order

unpacking core challenges
Berlin, 2014

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Onuoha, Freedom C.

A danger not to Nigeria alone

Boko Harams's transnational reach and regional responses
Abuja, 2014

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Toni, Ana; Mello, Fátima

Von Warschau nach Lima

die UN-Klimakonferenz 2014 aus lateinamerikanischer Sicht
Berlin, 2014

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Schutte, Giorgio Romano

Energy and sustainable development in Brazil

recent developments and outlook
SãoPaulo, 2014

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Adra, Friederike

Renewable energy

an eco-friendly alternative?
Accra, 2015

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Rüdinger, Andreas

Die Energiewende in Frankreich

Aufbruch zu einem neuen Energiemodell?
Bonn, 2014

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Ribeiro Pereira, Laura

What's peace got to do with it?

Advocating peace in the Post-2015 Sustainable Development Agenda
Berlin, 2014

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Gianella, Cecilia; Canziani, Elisa

Exploring sustainable low carbon development pathways

overall situation of low carbon development strategies (LCDS) in Peru
Berlin, 2014

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Ross, Ingrid

Der dritte Gazakrieg

Israelis und Palästinenser in der Sackgasse?
Berlin, 2014

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Herman, Barry

An urgent need for clarity

on the post-2015 development agenda and financing for development
Berlin, 2014

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Blum, Constanze

Cross-border flows between Nigeria and Benin

what are the challenges for (human) security?
Abuja, 2014

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