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Breaking the bondage

bonded labour situation and the struggle for dignity of brick kiln workers in Pakistan
Islamabad, 2013

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Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Rüb, Stefan

Internationale Rahmenvereinbarungen

ein Instrument zur Durchsetzung sozialer Menschenrechte?
Berlin, 2013

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Adams, Barbara; Pingeot, Lou

Whose development, whose UN?

Reclaiming the UN's values-based framework
Berlin;NewYork, 2013

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Afghanistan's region: 2014 & beyond

joint declaration on regional peace and stability ; envisioning Afghanistan post 2014 ; perspectives and strategies for constructive conflict resolution from the neighbourhood
Berlin, 2013

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The universal periodic review

do civil society organization-suggested recommendations matter?
Berlin, 2013

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Building a sustainable partnership for the future?

The EU-Africa relations in the run-up to the 2014 summit ; 17-18 September 2013, Berlin ; conference report
Berlin, 2013

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Alli, W. O.

The role of Nigeria in regional security policy

Abuja, 2013

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From Repression to regulation

proposals for drug policy reform
Bogotá, 2013

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Abu-Rumman, Mohammad

Islamists, religion, and the revolution in Syria

Amman, 2013

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Quiroga, Yesko

Der brasilianische Wald, die soziale Frage und das Klima

welche Folgen hat das neue Waldgesetz?
Berlin, 2013

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Haibin, Niu

BRICS in global governance

a progressive and cooperative force?
Berlin, 2013

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Jenkins, Rob; Mawdsley, Emma

Democratic emerging powers and the international human rights system

Berlin;NewYork, 2013

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The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

Abuja, 2013

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The impact of organised crime on governance in West Africa

Abuja, 2013

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Lehmann, Volker

Reforming the working methods of the UN Security Council

the next ACT
Berlin;NewYork, 2013

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