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Electoral offences and their sanctions

Accra, 2014

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Ruiz Ferreira, Carlos Enrique

Brazil as a non-permanent member of the UN Security Council during the 2010-2011 term

Carlos Enrique Ruiz Ferreira. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Global Policy and Development, 2012. - 5 S. = 310 KB, PDF-File. - (Perspective
Berlin, 2012

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Althaus, Judith

COP 18 in Katar: Zwischen "Fossil of the day" und "Best green practice"

welchen Beitrag die Golfstaaten zum Erfolg der Klimakonferenz von Katar leisten können
Berlin;Bonn, 2012

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Netzer, Nina

Weltklimagipfel in Doha (COP 18)

Ziele, Entwicklungen und Herausforderungen
Berlin;Bonn, 2012

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Netzer, Nina

World Climate Summit in Doha (COP 18)

objectives, developments and challenges
Berlin;Bonn, 2012

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Applerh, Jones; Hoetu, Prosper

Small arms anad electoral violence

avoiding the canker in Ghana
Accra, 2014

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Kivimäki, Timo; Kramer, Marina; Pasch, Paul

The dynamics of conflict in the multi-ethnic state of Bosnia and Herzegovina

Timo Kivimäki ; Marina Kramer and Paul Pasch. - Sarajevo : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, 2012. - 127 S. = 4 MB, PDF-File. - (Study
Sarajevo, 2012

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Zondi, Siphamandla

South Africa in Southern Africa

a perspective
Maputo, 2012

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Alli, W. O.

The role of Nigeria in regional security policy

Abuja, 2012

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Wörrlein, Lena

What future for NATO?

Die Atlantische Allianz im Lichte ihres Wandels seit 1990, des strategischen Konzepts von 2010 und des Gipfels in Chicago 2012
Bonn, 2012

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Langille, H. Peter

Preparing for a UN emergency peace service

Berlin;NewYork, 2012

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Ladjevac, Bojan

Helfer in der Not oder Entwicklungsblockade?

Der Internationale Währungsfonds in Serbien
Berlin;Bonn, 2012

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Aguilera Peralta, Gabriel

Guatemala in the UN Security Council

a new experience for a founding member state
Berlin, 2012

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Mashat, Abdul-Monem al

Egypt's regional security policy after the january 25 revolution

Berlin;NewYork, 2012

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Schöne, Thilo

Never too late: reparative justice in (post-)conflict societies

opportunities for reconciliation, justice and peace in Lebanon
Berlin, 2012

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