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Voraussetzungen einer globalen Energietransformation

Bärbel Kofler und Nina Netzer (Hrsg.) Christiane Beuermann .... - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Globale Politik und Entwicklung, 2014. - 68 S. = 1 MB, PDF-File. - (Studie
Berlin, 2014

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Mehta, Ashok K.

Afghanistan: elections in Afghanistan: The first democratic transition

envisioning Afghanistan post 2014 ; perspectives and strategies for constructive conflict resolution from the neighbourhood
NewDelhi, 2014

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Lei, Xue

China as a permanent member of the United Nations Security Council

Berlin, 2014

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Hofmann, Claudia

Streik(recht) in der Internationalen Arbeitsorganisation

steht das System zur Überwachung internationaler Arbeits- und Sozialstandards auf der Kippe?
Berlin, 2014

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Britsch, Florian

Indian views of Europe's role as security actor

why the EU needs to change its approach towards India
Berlin, 2014

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Marcellino, Dominic

Unpacking the shale gas revolution

Berlin, 2014

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Chansoria, Monika

Afghanistan: convalescing the socio-political fabric

envisioning Afghanistan post 2014 ; perspectives and strategies for constructive conflict resolution from the neighbourhood
NewDelhi, 2014

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Kokorin, Alexey; Korppoo, Anna

Russia's greenhouse gas target 2020

projections, trends, and risks
Berlin, 2014

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Schäfer, Rita; Range, Eva

The political use of homophobia

human rights and persecution of LGBTI activists in Africa
Berlin, 2014

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Verolme, Hans; Korduan, Janine

Exploring sustainable low carbon development pathways

an introduction to international debates
Berlin, 2014

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Stolleis, Friederike

Genf II

Möglichkeiten und Grenzen einer politischen Lösung in Syrien
Berlin, 2014

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Platzer, Hans-Wolfgang; Rüb, Stefan

International framework agreements

an instrument for enforcing social human rights?
Berlin, 2014

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Luhmann, Hans-Jochen

Climb-down in climate protection?

EU facing a far-reaching decision in aviation policy
Berlin, 2014

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Spanger, Hans-Joachim

Russland als internationaler Geber

Entwicklungskooperation auch mit dem Westen?
Berlin, 2014

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Luhmann, Hans-Jochen

Rolle rückwärts im Klimaschutz?

EU vor weitreichender Entscheidung im Luftverkehr
Berlin, 2014

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