Publikationen zum Thema Gender


Delbene Lezama, Lucía

No "future of work" without respect for nature

Ecofeminist visions of anti-extractivist re-existences from Latin America
Maputo, 2020

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Delbene Lezama, Lucía

Não existe "futuro do trabalho" se não houver respeito pela Natureza

Perspectivas ecofeministas de reexistências anti-extractivistas da América Latina
Maputo, 2020

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Delbene Lezama, Lucía

Pas de "futur du travail" sans respect de la nature

Les visions écoféministes des ré-existences antiextractivistes d'Amérique latine
Maputo, 2020

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Kosaikanont, Romyen

La recherche dàlternatives

Développement "extractiviste" et résistance des travailleuses féministes en Thaïlande
Maputo, 2020

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Kosaikanont, Romyen

A busca de alternativas

Desenvolvimento "extractivista" e resistência das trabalhadoras feministas na Tailândia
Maputo, 2020

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Kosaikanont, Romyen

The pursuit of alternatives

"Extractivist" development and feminist workersʿ resistance in Thailand
Maputo, 2020

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Ariunzajaa, Ayusch; Mönchmandach, Myagmar

Mongolyn ėmėgtėjčuud ba chödölmörijn irėėduj

Ulaanbaatar, 2020

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Chen, Yuting

Gender perspectives on the future of work in China

Shanghai, 2020

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Desafios do feminismo frente ao crescimento da onda fundamentalista

[Debate realizado em 24 de outubro de 2019 em São Paulo]
SãoPaulo, 2020

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