Publikationen zum Thema Gender


El Ammar, Maya; El Asmar, Francesca

Bridging the gaps

Feminist perspectives on policymaking and womenʿs political participation in Lebanon
Beirut, 2023

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[The Position of women in national reconciliation legislation in Libya]

[A research study on women in reconciliation]
LaMarsa, 2023

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Gurumurthy, Anita; Chami, Nandini

Charter of feminist demands from the Global South

A global digital compact for gender equality
Bonn, 2023

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García Erramuspe, Ana Paula

Centrales: Uruguay

Las mujeres y la agenda de la justicia de género en el sindicalismo de América Latina y el Caribe
Montevideo, 2023

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Garbouj, Sondes; El Abed, Monia

Le harcèlement sexuel en milieu universitaire

Tunis, 2023

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Garbouj, Sondes; El Abed, Monia

[Le harcèlement sexuel en milieu universitaire]

Tunis, 2023

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Jmad, Oumaïma

Calvaire d'Awa

Rabat, 2023

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Jmad, Oumaïma

[Calvaire d'Awa]

Rabat, 2023

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[We exist and resist in solidarity : An intersectional feminist knowledge guide]

Beirut, 2023

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