Publikationen zum Thema Gender


Kosaikanont, Romyen

Gender and the future of work in Thailand

Bangkok, 2019

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Nawaz, Farzana

Feminist perspective on the future of work in Bangladesh

Dhaka, 2019

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Ariunzaya, Ayush; Munkhmandakh, Myagmar

Women and the future of work in Mongolia

Ulaanbaatar, 2019

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Stiegler, Barbara

Vereinbarkeit von Pflege und Beruf

Das 1000-Stunden-Modell :ein flexibles Zeitbudget mit Lohnersatz
Berlin, 2019

Publikation herunterladen (270 KB, PDF-File)

Mawii, Zothan

Feminist perspectives on the future of work in India

NewDelhi, 2019

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Combate ao assédio sexual no serviço público municipal

A política é pública, meu corpo não
SãoPaulo, 2019

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Larguèche, Dalenda

[Argumentaire pour un plaidoyer en faveur de lʿégalité dans lʿhéritage]

Tunis, 2019

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Ativismo na internet e coletivos online no atual contexto político

Ativismo na internet e colectivos online no atual contexto político
SãoPaulo, 2019

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Arguedas Ramírez, Gabriela

Feminismo en Costa Rica

Contexto, perspectivas y desafíos
SanJosé, 2019

Publikation herunterladen (620 KB, PDF-File)

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