Publikationen zum Thema Gender


Almeida Sánchez, María Dolores

Justicia económica y equidad de género en Ecuador

María Dolores Almeida Sánchez. - Quito : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung Ecuador - Instituto Latinoamericano de Investigaciones Sociales, julio 2017. - 38 Seiten = 1,3 MB PDF-File. - (Análisis
Quito, 2017

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Kuhl, Mara

Öffentliche Gelder wirkungsvoll, gerecht und transparent verteilen ...

... mit Gender Budgeting!
Berlin, 2017

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Teixeira, Marilane

O desmonte trabalhista e previdenciário

reinventando novas formas de desigualdades entre os sexos
SãoPaulo, 2017

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Beck, Dorothee; Stiegler, Barbara

Das Märchen von der Gender-Verschwörung

Argumente für eine geschlechtergerechte und vielfältige Gesellschaft
Berlin, 2017

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Abu-Rumman, Mohammad; Abu Hanieh, Hassan

[Infatuated with martyrdom

Female jihadism from Al-Qaeda to the "Islamic State"]
Amman, 2017

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Grondona, Veronica; Bidegain Ponte, Nicole; Rodríguez Enrique, Corina

Fluxos financeiros ilícitos

Minando a justiça de gênero
SãoPaulo, 2017

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Castel-Branco, Ruth

Além das transferências monetárias

protecção social, serviços sociais e a socialização do trabalho assistencial em Moçambique
Maputo, 2017

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Jácome, Ana Isabel

Subsistencia tóxica

Mujeres que viven del microtráfico en el Ecuador
Quito, 2017

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Castel-Branco, Ruth

Beyond cash transfers

Social protection, social services and the socialisation of care work in Mozambique
Maputo, 2017

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