Publikationen – Griechenland


Cela, Alba; Lleshaj, Sashenka

Marrëdhëniet Shqipëri-Greqi në sytë e publikut shqiptar

perceptime 2013
Tirana, 2014

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Cela, Alba; Lleshaj, Sashenka

Albanian greek relations from the eyes of the Albanian public

perceptions 2013
Tirana, 2014

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Sotiropoulos, Dimitri A.

The social situation of Greece under the crisis

basic socio-economic data for Greece, 2013
Athen, 2014

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Kyriacou, Praxoula Antniadou; Çilsal, Özlem Oğuz

When all players can win

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Kyriacou, Praxoula Antniadou; Çilsal, Özlem Oğuz

Tüm aktörler kazandiğinda

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Ioannidou, Alexandra; Stavrou, Stavros

Prooptikés metarýthmisis tis epagelmatikís ekpaídefsis stin Elláda

Berlin, 2013

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Cholezas, Ioannis

Youth guarantee in times of austerity

the Greek case
Bonn, 2013

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Matsaganis, Manos

The Greek crisis

social impact and policy responses
Bonn, 2013

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Malkoutzis, Nick

Ten rays of light in the Greek crisis

Nick Malkoutzis. - Berlin : Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, Department of Western Europe/North America, 2013. - 15 S. = 270 KB, PDF-File. - (Study
Bonn, 2013

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Ioannidou, Alexandra; Stavrou, Stavros

Reformperspektiven der Berufsbildung in Griechenland

Bonn, 2013

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