Publikationen –Tschechische Republik


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Flight, migration , and integration from the perspective of NGOs in the Visegrad region
Bratislava, 2017

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Malová, Darina

Strengthening social democracy in the Visegrad countries

Limits and challenges faced by Smer-SD
Prag, 2017

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Chmelař, Aleš

Annual review of labour relations and social dialogue

Czech Republic : 2016
Bratislava, 2017

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Císař, Ondřej

Czech Republic: from post-communist idealism to economic populism

Berlin, 2017

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Prager Dialoge

sozialdemokratische Impulse = Pražské dialogy
Prag, 2016

Zur Publikation

Bíró-Nagy, András; Kadlót, Tibor

Strengthening social democracy in the Visegrad countries

The position of the Hungarian Socialist Party (MSZP) in the Hungarian political landscape
Prag, 2017

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Německý, Marek

Česká republika v Evropské unii - Co občané oČekávají a Čeho se obávají?

Výsledky reprezentativního sociologického výzkumu
Prag, 2017

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Syska, Michał

Strengthening social democracy in the Visegrad countries

Poland's political left: is there life beyond parliament?
Prag, 2017

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Oellermann, Thomas; Seyfferth, Anne

Eine misslungene Generalprobe für die Sozialdemokraten in Tschechien

zum Ausgang der Kreis- und Senatswahlen 2016
Berlin, 2016

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Veverkova, Sona; Wegenschimmel, Peter

Annual review of labour relations and social dialogue

Czech Republic : 2015
Bratislava, 2016

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Internationale Politikanalyse


Catrina Schläger


Adriana Hornung

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