Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

FES Publications on Peace and Security

Three visions for NATO

Mapping national debates on the future of the atlantic alliance
Berlin, 2021

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Bhatnagar, Aryaman

India and the geopolitics of COVID-19

Turning crisis into opportunity
NewDelhi, 2021

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Mourad, Ali

The inadequacy of the bilateral European neighbourhood policy framework amid regional security challenges

A Lebanese perspective on security policy in the Southern neighbourhood
Beirut, 2021

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Feijó, João

The role of women in the conflic in Cabo Delgado

Understanding vicious cycles of violence
Dakar-Fann, 2021

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Bayasgalan, Naranzul; Jargalsaikhan, Mendee

Why are India and Mongolia strategic partners?

Ulaanbaatar, 2021

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Sharan, Timor; Watkins, Andrew

From uncertainty to strategy?

Implications of the U.S. withdrawal for Afghanistanʿs neighbors and key partners
Kabul, 2021

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Nanjin, Dorjsuren; Jargalsaikhan, Mendee

Why does Japan include Mongolia in its free and open Indo-Pacific strategy?

Ulaanbaatar, 2021

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Al Jbour, Abdullah

The popular mobilization forces in Iraq

Regional Dynamics and Local Variables
Amman, 2021

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Eiran, Ehud

FES southern perspective: Israel's strategic interests in the Eastern Mediterranean

Herzliya;FES,2021, 2021

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Gnanguênon, Amandine

Chad in its regional environment: political alliances and ad hoc military coalitions

Dakar-Fann, 2021

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Latest Issues

  • Mely Caballero-Anthony, Frieden und Sicherheit | Publikation

    Think Piece 22: Security in Times of Uncertainty in Asia

    Asias security outlook still appears to be laden with uncertainties. From the changing dynamics in the balance of power, an emboldened North Korea and…

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  • Ann L. Phillips, Frieden und Sicherheit | Publikation

    Think Piece 21: Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty

    The final report, distills the findings of a two-year effort by more than 20 international experts to find answers on how to overcome rising…

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  • Jaïr van der Lijn, Publikation

    Think Piece 20: The future of the monopoly on the legitimate use of force - Four alternative global futures

    The paper presents four alternative global futures for the monopoly on the legitimate use of force that aim to allow policy makers to embrace…

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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