Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

FES Publications on Peace and Security

Kirchner, Magdalena; Kazancev, Andrej

Die Lage in Afghanistan aus Sicht der EU und Russlands

Moskau, 2020

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Turčilo, Lejla; Rondić, Adnan

The media and the culture of remembrance

Brief remarks after the discussion on media role in the culture of remembrance in Bosnia-Herzegovina
Sarajevo, 2020

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Megerisi, Tarek; Kucnecov, Vasilij

The policies of European States and Russia on Libya

Moskau, 2020

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Megerisi, Tarek; Kucnecov, Vasilij

Die Libyen-Politik der Europäischen Staaten und Russlands

Moskau, 2020

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Die Allianz im Umbruch

Änderungen in Strukturen, Prozessen und Strategie
Magdeburg, 2020

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Brake, Moritz; Bruns, Sebastian

Towards a standing European Union auxiliary navy

Berlin, 2020

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Maihack, Henrik; Öhm, Manfred

Time for a Post-Coronavirus social contract!

Berlin, 2020

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Maihack, Henrik; Öhm, Manfred

Zeit für einen Post-Corona-Sozialvertrag!

Berlin, 2020

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Bellais, Renaud

Dienstpflicht statt Wehrdienst

Der Service National Universel in Frankreich
Paris, 2020

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Dietrich, Philipp; Starystach, Sebastian; Weiß, Simon

Not so different as one thinks

Attitudes of Latvians and the Russian minority in Latvia on threat perceptions
Wien, 2020

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  • Jaïr van der Lijn, Publikation

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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