Reflection Group “Monopoly on the use of force 2.0?”

Is there a need for new peace and ­security rules in the 21st century?

FES Publications on Peace and Security

Bruder, Jason

Kontinuität versus ?

US-Außenpolitik nach der Wahl
Berlin, 2016

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Hearn, Sarah

Nachhaltigen Frieden schaffen

das radikale Potenzial von Ziel 16 der globalen Ziele für Nachhaltige Entwicklung
Berlin, 2016

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Puhl, Detlef

Frankreich, Deutschland und die gemeinsame europäische Verteidigungspolitik

Replik auf Jean-Pierre Maulny (März 2016)
Paris, 2016

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Bartels, Hans-Peter

Flucht und Migration

Schnelle Hilfe durch die Bundeswehr
Berlin, 2016

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Jácome, Francine

Monopoly on the use of force in Latin America and the Caribbean

nexus of regional and global institutions
Berlin, 2016

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Blockmans, Steven

New thrust for the CSDP from the refugee and migrant crisis

Berlin, 2016

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Khaddour, Kheder

The coast in conflict

migration, sectarianism, and decentralization in Syria's Latakia and Tartus governorates
Berlin, 2016

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Western Balkans between geography and geopolitics

Belgrade, 2016

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Phillips, Ann L.

A terminal threat to state monopoly on the use of force?

the international search for answers to combating terrorism and violent extremism
Berlin, 2016

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Phillips, Ann L.

The impact of identity politics on the monopoly on the use of force

Berlin, 2016

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  • Ann L. Phillips, Frieden und Sicherheit | Publikation

    Think Piece 21: Providing Security in Times of Uncertainty

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  • Jaïr van der Lijn, Publikation

    Think Piece 20: The future of the monopoly on the legitimate use of force - Four alternative global futures

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Dep. Global Policy and Development


Project Coordinator:
Bodo Schulze

030 / 269 35-7409


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