Scholarship - Information in English

We provide funding for:

  • All fields of study, including artistic degree courses
  • First degree courses Bachelor’s/diplomas/state examinations
  • Master’s/postgraduate programmes
  • Doctoral degrees

Please note:

In order to apply for a scholarship, it is essential that you live in Germany and study at a German university and have a very good command of German as well as if you have proofed sufficient German language skills. Applications have to be submitted in German.


Godesberger Allee 149
53175 Bonn

Judith Illerhues
+49 228 883-7902


Application requirements summarized

Who is eligible?

Student groups that are particularly important to us:

Women, students from STEM subjects, students at universities of applied sciences, first-time graduates (= students who are the first person in their family to attend higher education), students from immigrant families

We expect: 

  • Enrolment at a state or state-recognised university, higher education institution or university of applied sciences
  • Proof of sufficient German language skills
  • Good performance in school or with course of studies
  • Socio-political commitment
  • Identification with the fundamental values of social democracy

Requirements for foreign students:

  • You are already studying in Germany at the time of your application.
  • Bachelor’s students must submit their first graded performance records.
  • German language skills are absolutely necessary and must be proven.

Requirements for Germans, foreign nationals with a German university entrance qualification, and refugees:

  • You have German citizenship.
  • You obtained your access to higher education in Germany, but do not have a German passport.
  • You are a refugee.


Foreign scholarship holders receive:

  • 934 € per month (students) / 1.200 € per month (postgraduates)
  • 276 € of family allowance, if applicable
  • refund of health care costs
  • any income exceeding 400 € per month will be credited against the scholarship.

The FES does not support

The Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung does not provide funding for:

  • Further training as a psychological psychotherapist
  • Short-term stays abroad
  • Project proposals
  • Short-term course of study (less than 3 semesters, for example 2-semester Master’s degree programmes)
  • Research visits
  • Trainee programmes
  • University preparatory courses
  • Medical studies up to an including the preliminary (medical) examination
  • Doctoral degree and further education and training in the medical field
  • Training to become a physiotherapist
  • Final stages of a degree course/doctoral degree
  • Postdoctoral projects
  • Study abroad programmes outside the EU
  • Extra-occupational or part-time course of study

Unless you already have scholarship from the Friedrich-Ebert-Stiftung, we do not provide funding for:

  • Language courses
  • Second degrees

Time of application

Applications will be accepted no later than

  • diploma / magister / state examination: by the end of 6th semester
  • Bachelor/ undergraduate programmes: until 3 semesters before finishing the standard period of study
    (if 6 semesters by the end  of 3rd semester; if 7 semesters by the end  of 4rd semester)
  • postgraduate/ Master programmes: by the end of 1st semester

The Procedure

Applications are submitted in German because German language skills are a requirement for a scholarship.

All information about the application process can be found here (in German).

The Application Deadlines can be found here.

Der Weg zur Förderung


Einen Beitrag zu leisten, den Zugang zu Bildung gerechter zu gestalten, ist unser Gründungsauftrag und liegt uns damals wie heute am Herzen.



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